Saturday, March 15, 2025

Importance of March 20 Naga organisations meet and 'Naga Republic Day' meet Mar 21 ---- ::: Civil society may tell rebels to negotiate on 'COMMON DRAFT'

Everyone is looking for something in life ..... Madness is the quickest way of knowing something. 

Whenever journalists are not vultures; they could be 'mad' - the real crazy and crackpot lot. We tend to believe -- let us know what will unfold in days or even years to come.  

In the context of Nagaland, it's either 'matter of days' or eternity. Solution to the Naga political issue often labelled as armed rebellion and a long lasting peace is almost fictional. 

The ruling dispensation in Nagaland these days are not happy. However, the Himanta-inspired experience is making them believe that they are the masters of 'fate'of the countless faceless people. 

That includes journos and even 'plain manu'. Had it been 1990s; do not poke your nose would have been a easy and readily available 'press release'. 

"Thik pora likhi dibi dey" -- editors would have got diktats also.    

This is 2025 and the world has changed a lot. 

Repeated dramas have exposed the drama writers too ! A 20-something youth was more nervous about life. If you have crossed 50; you know more than half of Life is gone ... so how long !! 

Then also comes a realisation -- you will die only once. There are other elements of realisation too -- 

money cannot buy everything and everyone. Not even Boleros .. maybe ! 

The 'madness' catches you.  

Hence all eyes are on March 20, 2025 meeting which will be hosted and anchored by Naga village elders. 

The NTC was always there - working hard for an early Solution.  Now we have new organisations almost making a strong pitch on the same line - the Naga Hoho and ex-Parliamentarians Association of Nagaland. Each want an early Solution and they seem to be doing the talking on behalf of the common people in the state and especially in and around Dimapur -- where most thriving business is EXTORTION.  

The biggest apprehension is what will the organisation believing in 'meta physical' philosophies do on March 20th. 

One key Naga leader said -- "Never underestimate the Status Quo club.... we may beat around the bush and leave the bird untouched". 

This is an issue. 

In Delhi even mandarins are cautious about the matter; but one version -- is -- it is always good to have 'cautious optimism' as a guiding philosophy.  

Then comes March 21st -- the Naga Republic Day !! 

Mandarins in the Lutyen's city say social, tribal and student bodies have been invited for an important meeting on the outskirts of Dimapur ... somewhere amid the bushes ! 

Speakers will probably include representatives from Naga Hoho, ENPO, United Naga Council (Manipur), NPMHR, Global Naga Forum, Naga Students' Federation and also Tirap Changlang Longding People's Forum from Arunachal Pradesh.  

A keen northeast watcher says: "The clock has come back to the position where we started everything.... 

.... now the civil society may tell Naga rebels and potent groups to negotiate on 'COMMON DRAFT'. 

Spoiler alert: This is no joke.

Another alert ::::

Appeasement of any nature is being discarded by the Modi Govt. New Delhi is cautious about welfare bloat suffocated economic growth.
Big empty talks suited the Congress style of corruption and nepotism. Now if a state is not really self reliant; a time may come even the statehood entitlements should be done away with. At least the Prime Minister has an image of a tough task master !

'Shape up' is a real mantra. 

Learn it fast -- is blogger's advice !!


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