Monday, March 10, 2025

Interview with Dr M D Thomas - a strong proponent of inter-faith harmony and stronger bond :::: "Religion is like cholesterol.... good or bad; so we need to clear up junk in religion"

 A Special Interaction :

# Firstly, Dr Thomas let us keep this interview at a different scale. Let us try to understand Religion and the essential issue of Love for God or even the 'fear' of God. I also believe in some super natural power... maybe that's because we all are brought up being told about God and Religion. I often wonder whether this world would have been better without Religion or God ? 

Dr M D Thomas (of Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies) : 

Religion is actually double-sided. So whether or not it could have been a different world without God actually need not be surprised. Religion is like good cholesterol or bad cholesterol...So I have said once that we have to clean up the junk in religion.  I also look at certain matters you tried to raise with a different perspective. 

Everything in this world is limited. Life - therefore - is a journey from zero to hundred. There cannot be anything one hundred percent in this world.

Father Thomas

# What is God then in terms of percent?

Dr Thomas : God or the creator is of course one hundred percent. But I must say that making Religion the centre of life would mean being cut off the true track of life. Too much of religious theologies and academics has complicated our life. 

To understand our Creator or the God; we will require recognizing faith in oneself. We have to go beyond the approach and attitude of 'I and my religion'. 

# What you are suggesting is more of idealism.... But that's not practical especially in today's world of competitions and stiff rivalry ?

Dr Thomas: We have never said it is easy. Life would have been easier if everything was uniform. It would be charmless too. God has made us different; but to be united in purpose and in our actions is human being's responsibility. 

# But Sir at the same time we must understand that Life is inter dependent. The ultimate purpose of life as told and retold by scholars is happiness. If that's the case; -- where is then the mutual love and how sacrifices by mankind is a supreme virtue?

Dr Thomas : We will come to all that. Good that you flagged off some of these issues. 

Human beings are interdependent among themselves and they are also dependent on plants and animals. So the entire cycle has to be understood. Human beings also have the vice called greed. But my point is Religionists have to be ready for reforms. Then comes the importance of  Mutual Tolerance. These can happen only when we consider life as the centre of our existence. 

Religion is not. 

# Are you suggesting we all should adopt to an Atheist way of life. Let us start believing There is no God. But can that be an accepted idea ?

Dr Thomas : I never said Do not believe in God. I also believe firmly in God and I also pray. 

God and Religion have existed since time immemorial. Religion and God have joined hands somewhere and given ethics and other virtues like - Honesty and the will to help the needy. 

Do not forget ever that Religion has contributed immeasurably in the making of the human civilisation. But when I say this, I also must remind you that the Religion has also created havoc in the society. 

# Your point is taken. But there are issues about disharmony and how to counter that?

Dr Thomas: 

For heaven's sake, do not blame God and religion for everything erroneous or wrong in our world. 


# Hence, what you favour is a level-headed critique to facilitate Religion to become what is ideally supposed to be ? 

Dr Thomas: 

In a way now you are coming to my point. 

Human beings have been always overwhelmed by the thought of death or the unknown. Therefore, fear of death is a major factor in religion. 

However, you must understand that exaggerated theology, superstition, blind following and inordinate manipulations by those associated with religion and religious institutes have harmed the reputation and prestige of the religion itself. 

# We are coming to the fag end of this interaction. But I need to ask you - Does someone need to attend a church or a temple to be spiritual? What’s the difference between being spiritual and being religious?

Dr Thomas: Look, I will try to answer your questions slightly in a different form. 

Life is essentially about Justice. 

You are not supposed to be unfair even to your pet dog. Love and respect for human dignity therefore is vital. Upholding justice in a simpler form means no one is left behind while you are undertaking a journey towards progress and development and inner happiness. 

But we know in most cases, pursuit of social justice faces challenges because the institutions those must ensure and deliver justice and fair play are often influenced by outside interests and elements. 

Therefor, at any cost --- preserving human dignity and helping a needy would always remain a noble endeavor.




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