Saturday, December 7, 2024

Focus Nagaland !! Rapid Fire : Imkong Imchen of BJP and Congress MP Supongmeren Jamir !!

Rapid Fire : Imkong Imchen of Nagaland BJP ; and Congress MP and state unit president Supongmeren

"Countries like Myanmar, Singapore important for Nagaland", says Imchen 

…..Soft-spoken Supongmeren says: "Before June 2024, people joked about Congress" 

Happy Reading 

Imkong Imchen, BJP 

# How has the year 2024 been? What are the lessons politicians, those in government and common people should draw?

Imkong  Imchen:(BJP leader): 

I do not know whether you could have asked the same question in  2023 or you will ask it again in 2025 December. But the year 2024 was an important milestone. 

The Modi government returned to power in Delhi creating history. So, if we have won, someone or some parties have lost. Let us avoid any bitterness at this juncture. 

But asking about lessons from 2024, I will say it has been proved that Indian people are supreme. If we lost some seats in Uttar Pradesh this time; the same voters rewarded us in Odisha. 

We also recorded convincing wins in Haryana and Maharashtra. So for me, the big lesson is that Governance is a serious challenge. 

It cannot be driven by merely attacking some leaders or business tycoons. It's about plans, it's about setting goals and working hard to reach the target.

Supongmeren Jamir, Congress MP

Supongmeren Jamir (Prez NPCC, Congress MP) : 

Oh what a year it has been for me and for my party in Nagaland. 

We were written off. People joked about our party's existence in Nagaland -- where we have given good governments and towering leaders for many years - S C Jamir, Late Hokishe, R C Chitten Jamir and so on. 

In the Lok Sabha polls, people themselves started working and voting for us. Ultimately I could come to the Lok Sabha. I feel humbled by my people's love. That's a lesson. 

## Which area of governance should get priority in 2025 from the perspective of Nagaland and also the entire north east India ?

Imkong Imchen: 

Of course, we all should work for an early Solution to the long pending Naga issue. But it will require a right approach mixed with the spirit of sacrifice and accommodation. We have to be practical about certain things. 

But I will also take the advantage of this opportunity and share with you something interesting. Do you know, India has six and half million strong diaspora who can play immensely good and historic roles in South East Asia. 

This means countries like Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand are important for Nagaland and our northeast region. 

We should make proper use of this strong force. I believe we need not try to influence domestic politics in these countries. 

Our focus should be to strengthen India-ASEAN relations. The Modi Govt is already working. This will be a game-changer.


Well, it should be infrastructure developments in Nagaland and also the rest of northeast India. So I have requested for rail projects in the Tuli region. 

I have mentioned in Parliament about other such projects. We need good airports and good roads It is a lesson I should be talking about .... Today the Eastern Nagaland wants an autonomous body. 

We all should do soul searching why our very own Naga brothers have taken such a stance. 

On the Naga issue, I have already issued a written statement that time has come for us Nagas, to stand in truth to walk the extra mile and ensure that the hard fought agreements reached between the Naga National groups and the Govt of India, namely, the "Framework Agreement" and  "Agreed Position", are not jeopardised".

## This is also an era where  we all are in a global village. Anything you would like to say about India's foreign policy and whether we are playing it right?

Imkong Imchen: 

This is not only an era of global village concept. This is also an era of appreciating the importance of Soft power. 

Our food, culture, music and literature everything matters at the world stage. India's soft power diplomacy is now very strong. 

The Naga Bhoot  jolokia has gone overseas and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji has tweeted about it. 

The festivals of India showcase India's rich culture and the dynamism. Our own Hornbill Festival is also immensely popular. PM Modi ji has taken Yoga across the globe. Modi's "new India" is a reflection of the strength and relevance of a very old civilization. But in Nagaland, we need to work for Solution quickly.

Supongmeren : 

Do not forget Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had laid the foundation of a solid Foreign Policy. Those who are in power today are almost forgetting that.... rather deliberately. 

Under Congress, we had good relations with all neighbouring countries. The same cannot be stated today. Slogan shouting and jingoism cannot go a long way. Time to do some soul searching and take corrective measures.


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