Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Consultative Meet on Naga issue : Those who matter should must deliver - not a mere speech but a roadmap with a time frame

Consultative Meet on Naga issue : Will it be a 'golden opportunity?'

New Delhi/Kohima

All eyes are on the Sept 12th Consultative Committee meeting to be hosted at Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio's official residence.

New Delhi is not quite enthusiastic unlike the past. The refrain is things  are becoming "lip-service" repeatedly as nothing really moves in the ultimate.

A retired military officer too sounded sKeptical. "The old model was - We are ready to pave the way for Indo-Naga political solution... This has been replaced. Now we get to read, we are ready to pave the way IF Solution comes".

Nagaland Page

The Home Ministry mandarins declined to comment on the issue.

But a few questions do crop up - Will the solution come by its own?

What's the Facilitators' role then?

Man with the Master Key : CM Rio 

Decades back, the Naga issue was essentially guided under the theme - "Not without Us".

This is probably a forgotten phrase today. The phrase actually summed up the paradox behind the Naga movement -- people are the masters. No government, no individual in an office or no military formula can resolve the issue.

It will be prudent to look for critical answers during the Sept 12 meeting -- no matter - how bitter they would be. The Who's Who list available of those to attend the meeting does not enthuse any optimism about 'frankness' during deliberations.

But those who believe in the power of miracle - in a positive sense - feel the Chief Minister Rio should turn the occasion into a "golden opportunity" for Nagas to give a clarion call to the armed groups to find a negotiated settlement within a time-frame.

Alezo Venuh 

The harsh reality is -- or else the ground is being prepared and by circumstances things may end up in the jungles once again.  

And the 'armed struggle' may have to be revived. 

"The current stalemate is not benefiting common people and all that is comingis at the cost of the future of the entire community.. the faceless Nagas who are otherwisesupposed to be masters of their fortunes," says an analyst.

The NNPGs and a large section of common Nagas could be happy about the development that the chorus for early solution will ultimately help them.

But those who matter should gaze in their own hearts and deliver - not a speech but a roadmap with a time-frame.


The pro-Solution umbrella organisation NNPG has welcomed the Sept 12 initiative and stated that the meeting "should clear away all the cobwebs in the way of political Solution".

"As the Consultative meeting is called within the parameters and extent of executive power of Nagaland state, the resolution (of Sept 12 meet) has to endorse all such matters, whatsoever settled on matters pertaining to Nagaland state alone. Question of sharing the sovereign powers with the Union of India would take its natural path in the near future," the NNPG Working Committee said. 

Taking a practical stance, the umbrella body also said that - "All unresolved political matters will be negotiated through the political representation of new legislature and constitutional bodies". 


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