Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dr Jaishankar at his best, lampoons Pakistan and says "Its GDP can be measured in terms of radicalisation and exports by terrorism"

"Unfortunately, their (Pakistan's) misdeeds affect others as well, especially the neighbourhood. When this polity instills such fanaticism among its people. Its GDP can only be measured in terms of radicalisation and its exports in the form of terrorism", says Dr S Jaishankar. 

"Today, we see the ills it sought to visit on others consume its own society. It can’t blame the world; this is only karma." 

S Jaishankar's 'karma' jab at Pak in UN: Its GDP measured in terms of radicalisation

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in his speech to the UNGA on Friday, compared the situation in Jammu and Kashmir to that of Palestine, saying the people had "struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self-determination". 

"The GDP (in Pakistan) can only be measured in terms of radicalisation and its exports in the form of terrorism", he said. 

Earlier, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in his speech to the UNGA compared the situation in Jammu and Kashmir to that of Palestine, saying the people had "struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self-determination". 

"Many countries get left behind due to circumstances beyond their control, but some make conscious choices with disastrous consequences. A premier example is our neighbour Pakistan", Dr Jaishankar said at the speaking at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on Saturday.  

Pakistan should not blame the world for its present condition, stressing that this is only its karma. "A dysfunctional nation coveting the lands of others must be exposed and must be countered", he said.

Jaishankar particulary lashed out at Pakistan after their Prime Minister Shebaz Sharif compared the situation in Kashmir to that of Palestine.

In a powerful speech, Jaishankar said that Pakistan's cross-border terrorism will never succeed, warning the neighbouring country of consequences for its actions.

"We heard some bizarre assertions from this very forum (UNGA) yesterday. Let me make India's position very clear. Pakistan's policy of cross-border terrorism will never succeed. 

And it can have no expectation of impunity. On the contrary, actions will certainly have consequences", Jaishankar said in his structured 'National Statement'. 


(Jaishankar's national statement at UNGA) 

"We are gathered here at a difficult time. The world is yet to recover from the ravages of the Covid pandemic. A war in Ukraine is well into its third year. The conflict in Gaza is acquiring wider ramifications.

Across the Global South, development plans have gone off rails and SDG targets are receding. But there is more.

"Unfair trade practices threaten jobs, just as unviable projects raise debt levels. Any connectivity that flouts sovereignty and territorial integrity acquires strategic connotations. Especially when it is not a shared endeavour.

Technology advancements, which have long been a source of hope, are now equally a factor of anxiety. Climate events occur with greater intensity and frequency. Food security is as worrisome as health security.

In truth, the world stands fractious, polarized and frustrated. Conversations have become difficult; agreements even more so. This is surely not what the founders of the United Nations would have wanted of us."


".... trust has eroded and processes have broken down. Countries have extracted more from the international system than they have put into it, enfeebling it in the process.

We see that vividly in every challenge and every crisis. Reforming multilateralism is, therefore, an imperative.

The urgency of this call is highlighted by the theme of this Session. Leaving no one behind means advancing peace, ensuring sustainable development and strengthening human dignity. This cannot be delivered by a UN paralyzed when faced with division, conflict, terrorism and violence. 

Nor can it be advanced if access to food, fuel and fertilizer is jeopardized.

When capturing markets lacks restraint, it damages the livelihood and social fabric of others. Evasion of climate action responsibilities by the developed undermines the growth prospects of the developing.

Indeed, when resource crunch limits the very pursuit of SDG targets, it is not just economies but human dignity itself that is imperiled." 

"A dysfunctional nation coveting the lands of others must be exposed and must be countered. We heard some bizarre assertions from it at this forum yesterday. So let me make India’s position perfectly clear.

Pakistan’s cross-border terrorism policy will never succeed. And it can have no expectation of impunity. On the contrary, actions will certainly have consequences. The issue to be resolved between us is now only the vacation of illegally occupied Indian territory by Pakistan. 

And of course the abandonment of Pakistan’s longstanding attachment to terrorism." 


Large parts of the world cannot be left behind when it comes to deciding the key issues of our times. An effective and efficient UN, a more representative UN and a UN fit for purpose in the contemporary era, is essential.

Let us therefore send out a clear message from this UNGA Session: we are determined not to be left behind. By coming together, sharing experiences, pooling resources and strengthening our resolve, we can change the world for the better.


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