One can't file a divorce suit against Memories.
I quit PTI many years back. But no reportage or acknowledgement of my journalism career graph and especially coverage of 2002 mayhem in Gujarat can be complete without mentioning about the country's news agency.
In 1999, I quizzed eminent writer Khushwant Singh, "As a veteran, what is your advice to young writers…your fans?
Khushwant responded: "That’s something very dangerous. Good writers should never try to emulate anybody. Oh Fans! I also have a large number of detractors. I have the best of friends who tell me on my face that I write absolute filth. There was an editor friend who once said I make an art of bullshit. I said I take it as a compliment."
This interview got published in PTI Golden Jubilee Souvenir and that happened within months of my coming to New Delhi --- PTI Headquarters, 4 Parliament Street. I had reasons to feel being at the top of world. Senior Editors complimented and 'most senior person' said in his unique style of throwing oneliners - "ND is a man for all seasons'.
But hardly four years -- not even five as I missed the Gratuity amount --- I was out of the organisation.
One can keep the Memories behind and move on. But life does not have any provision of 'last rites' for memories and hence they do come up haunting you in Delhi winter nights.
Back again, one is sitting up on the bed...lights on and the lady in the room will curse "Do not burn Ravan's chita (funeral pyre)"....she means the light !!
But where's the light at the end of the tunnel ? .... My journalism has failed me long back; but my love affair continues.
It's one-sided.
Suddenly there is some movement at 'Whatsapp'. An old friend chats -- "Did you miss it; PM Narendra Modi....visited PTI Headquarters today...".
The message is from Kirti Patil, also a former PTI colleague and one feels, the sleep is gone for next few hours !!
Now, who is Narendra Modi?
One thought if Modi did not exist, the country would have to invent him and Sickular world is only re-inventing him in 2023. Well, that is --- 21 years after 'train compartment' burnt at Godhra !
The analogy is not mine original as decades back an ardent observer of Chinese developments had written that: “If China did not exist, someone will have to invent her”.
For me personally, both ought to be discovered -- the Press Trust of India and Narendra Modi with his Moditva phenomenon.
I started journalism in Nagaland braving Baba's diktats. Journalism was all about taking risks in Nagaland those days and there used to be frequent reprimand from a friend Ms Chipeni Merry - "You don't rot here". So, yes - one had to board the train to New Delhi. A former PTI stinger in Kohima found a place in PTI Headquarters. Officially one was called 'Trainee'.
That sounded like a 'gaali -- something like Maut Ka Saudagar' -- when it came from sophisticated Delhi's spoon-fed boys and girls. Some of these protagonists/jokers did not know what and where is northeast India.
We knew about Idiot Box and Idiots -- but their associates were everywhere. Once one news agency journalist claimed - he knows north east. I asked where he had been - his response was Kishanganj ! I was stunned. But a spirited Delhi wallah he was - he said all trains to north east go via Kishanganj.
My Aizawl friend H C Vanlalruata told me once, "From distance in northeast we thought they know so many things in Delhi, but all these people with Master Degrees from JNU and elsewhere know nothing man....". One could not agree more !!
At one stage, Vanlalruata (Ruata/HCV) and I had to team up to get our 'confirmation' in the organisation. We fought and earned it.
But PTI essentially has been an organisation of conformists -- yes men and women. You should have been good Kashmiri--- was another joke in the corridors.
The 'ignorance' well packaged with 'arrogance' formed the characteristic style when people/colleagues would greet and interact. My idea of interviewing Khushwant Singh was of course well appreciated by seniors.
But I got a shock once when I interviewed former BBC journalist Mark Tully and filed a copy based on my interaction. I was asked, who gave me the idea -- the fellow meant 'permission'...I suppose.
Later on I discovered, with "small people" in the big news organisation the concern was 'bigger' -- whether Tully will find me a job !!
Former Nagaland Chief Secretary A M Gokhale used to tell us, "New Delhi still thinks and behaves like Aurangzeb's Delhi".
The phrase "Aurangzeb's Delhi" applies not only to Indian political masters irrespective of party affiliations and Babus, it is also with all varieties of self righteous people of Delhi - definitely media included.
This is why Modi's arrival into national politics was so important. He defied 'Delhi club' and even challenged mutual admiration hubs like the Habitat Centre and IIC. Delhi is also a 'bad' hub or Mecca of Indian journalism.
'Work Plus' factors matters more; and that was not only in PTI. But as 'outsiders' from north east, some of us never understood all that.
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Modi and the S-6 compartment at Godhra : 2002 |
On arrival from Nagaland in 1998, I had given a story about women Naga insurgents. A Delhi Desk person in a prominent news organisation, whose life began in Punjabi Bagh and possibly will end with the 'Punjabi Bagh' mentality, told me when I meet the Naga women insurgents "Next time", I should get their snaps and also ask a few "uncomfortable questions'.
She passed the typical 'Aurangzeb variety' of a verdict -- "You are glorifying Naga insurgency".
I kept mum for a while and then simply told her, the insurgent ladies were not my girl friends.
Now Modi matters and Sickularism:
Post Dec 9, 2023 -- it has been reported by PTI themselves in the official website -- Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited the PTI newsroom on Saturday, concluded his hour-long tour with a thoughtful poem penned in the news agency's visitors book, reminding journalists that ethics and thoughts are their best weapons.
Writing in Hindi in his inimitable handwriting, the poem begins with the line "Aachaar, vichaar aur ab samachar" (ethics, thoughts and now news).
Loosely translated, the poem reads: Ethics, thoughts and now news It's such a struggle Of existence, of self In which we have to live And we have to win too The best weapons are Ethics and thoughts.
What or Whom did the 'poem' from Modi really seek to address/reach?
Was it for anyone or against anyone ?
PTI has other tales.
1998, 1999, 2000 and beyond -- it was also a hub of resignation letters ! Everyone resigning did not do so for greener grass. Soon we realised, 'what mattered more' was WORK:: PLUS ..... hard work and sincerity had no match for 'groupism'.
A very competent writer like R C Rajamani (sir) also did not survive. Many of those who quit PTI also gradually also opted out of journalism. And a few did not do it voluntarily.
Delhi's good old sycophancy mattered. And for others there was 'unreasonable' yardsticks of dealing with things. People would be often posted mercilessly throwing their life into disarrays.
It was like Brahmastra -- often abused.
During 2002 Gujarat riots, I was deputed from Mumbai office to Ahmedabad; and at times senior editors would scream -- "there were riots ...six people were killed and you went for lunch".
Contrast this with a letter an ex-PTI friend of mine then working for a foreign agency in Ahmedabad got a letter from his boss saying --- "No story is more important than your life...please take care of the conditions and then file stories".
That's good part of 'working atmosphere' of a firangi organisation.
So Modi's 'achaar, vichaar' --- getting overlapped !!
And now 'samachar' !!
And here comes Sickularism ....
read the following matter ........
There have been probably several other examples when news organisations have tried to be Sickular and played the role of force multiplier for Congress and other anti-BJP parties.
The result, however, is Namo is today heading towards 2024 ... with a target of 400 plus.
Hence I say, 'Jeetega woh har baazi ...'. For some mortals also it will be a matter of academic interest whether one more Sickular tower will crumble !!
To be 'correct' in Delhi's jugadu journalism; one has to take up the role of a secular or ‘sickular’ player ! Even your colleagues can abandon you. I have no issues with citizenship and their choices – but the problem is with ‘neo-activism’.
However, the same anti-Modi brigade will do anything for selfies and the same crowd will try get closer to Arun Jaitley.
Result was country’s Late Finance Minister was once known as the ‘Chief of Bureau’. Thus the real story about journalism is far from over.
This piece is not meant to run down anyone or any institute or my beloved profession.
These lines above are only like reflections of torn leaves. Some stories always have potential beginnings...but the agonies of a 'failed writer' or a 'failed' ex-PTI reporter also ought to be shared. During my trip to Beijing in 2019, I met PTI's China correspondent KJM Varma. Excitedly ...I introduced myself, "I am also ex-PTI Sir". Then I represented UNI.
Sounding affectionate, Varma said, "Oh, poor thing".
Maybe he was sympathizing !!
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