Monday, December 25, 2023

FLASHBACK ::::: Sour and Sweet: Highlights, Quotes on Nagaland politics etc in 2023 ---- Bitter tidbits as well

Land is sacred in Nagaland like in any agrarian and traditional society. 

In October 2022, the Senior Citizens Association of Nagaland (SCAN) lambasted the inaction of the State government for failing to protect the Intangki National Park from being fully occupied by cadres of NSCN (IM). Paradoxically, the same state government now has the 'nationalists' BJP in power since 2018.

The latest round of 'revelation' is from an RTI response though the militant group has denied the allegation outright. Last year (2022) during one of those turbulent days of negotiations with peace emissary A K Mishra, a senior NNPG functionary reportedly remarked, "The word integration is getting mistaken with 'Intanki-gretion' and the BJP government in the centre is unable to see that or is deliberately trying to play it down".  

(as reported Jan 31, 2023)

                                             NNPG's Kitovi: Concerned about 'Intanki-gretion' ??

** SC Jamir on 'regional and smaller parties' 

A day after voting is over in Nagaland and fates of the candidates have been sealed, veteran leader Dr S C Jamir has said it is high time to put a check on the manner regional outfits and smaller parties have come up in India.

"Now that elections are over, Feb 27 voting in Nagaland is done, I can share my views more frankly and openly with you. Dev, mushrooming of regional parties have harmed India. But maybe we are late in more ways than one. Mushrooming of smaller, regional and even signboard varieties of parties have brought down the standard of parliamentary debate," veteran Jamir told 'Nagaland Page'.

Selfie session

(Feb 28, 2023)

Message in Mandate in Nagaland 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will do a yeoman's service to himself and his own reputation if he cares not to allow such old games - called the 'Opposition less government'.

For all practical purposes, the last 'opposition-less government' achieved nothing. Journalism is basically showing the mirror and at the risk of repeating oneself we are showing fingers at the truth; even if it is painful and bitter at times.

The voters of Nagaland have shown trust in 37 legislators - 25 from Rio's party and 12 from the BJP - to be on the treasury bench. The mandate for rest 23 is to be on the other side of the divide. Any tweaking of this mandate is making a mockery of the system however smartly it is done.

(March 18, 2023) 

Shurhozelie, NPF MLAs Azo, Achumbemo and Apong Pongener


What's 'mon-laga-kotha' in Nagaland? 

By 'mon' we mean the heart to heart talk and not the development-starved district which votes for NDPP and BJP despite the collection of potholes in the name of roads!

To commence the debate journey, it may be worthwhile to fall back on this quotefrom Alejandro Jodorowsky: “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness".

The Chilean-French filmmaker is admired for his 'violently surreal images and a hybrid blend of mysticism and religious provocation", says Wikipedia.

Now on the ground. What are the challenges facing the state of Nagaland?

But before that, we may underline that the youth in Nagaland should claim back their state from the anarchy of the political class - and the greedy joint club of Netas, Babus and Businessmen. They deserve the whole of it, not just a part of it. 

(April 30, 2023) 

'Nagaland Page' : A Quality Newspaper and Making the Future happen

Credibility comes much harder in print journalism and more so in a state where advertising revenue is solely dependent on government mercy. I was always fascinated by the manner the paper ran with its modest budget and other resources and the 'manly' manner the challenges were faced. "I will always lead from the front," once cricketer Kapil Dev had said so. The soliloquy can apply to the Editor of this newspaper.

Challenges have been faced in the past. Some were equivalent to life threats, and crises are far from over. There are critics and there are a good number of those who disapprove of the manner the edit/news content is decided. 

(May 29th, 2023) 

The pending Naga peace talks, Manipur's nearly 50-day old ethnic conflicts and Mizoram slowly becoming a hub of 'Greater Mizoram' demand have set the ball rolling towards an hitherto unknown track. None can say what is at the end of the tunnel. None can also presume what is the Government of India planning to do with the varied issues in these three states.

To start with, any Home Minister or Home Secretary can go clueless. Look at the problems - Nagas want Nagalim, Eastern Nagaland is not happy with the present day state of Nagaland and wants to move away, Kukis and other smaller tribes belonging to Zo-Chin blocks want 'separate administration' but the 'Nagas of Manipur' say they are happy to go along with the Meiteis. One can go on.

(June 21, 2023)

Two Naga BJP leaders make timely intervention on national politics

The Congress internal politics is at play perhaps at its peak vis-a-vis the No Confidence Motion moved against the Narendra Modi government for the second since 2018.

Two Naga BJP leaders M Chuba Ao, Lotus party's national vice president and S PhangnonKonyak, Rajya Sabha MP, made 'timely intervention' on 'national politics' and flayedCongress and other opposition parties.These were no ordinary coincidences.

On Wednesday, July 26, at the morning hours much before Parliament session resumed, Ms Phangnon Konyak tweeted and stepped up her party's attack on the Opposition parties.

Ms Phangnon stated that the people of the country are well aware of Opposition's "duplicity". 

The first Naga woman lawmaker in the Upper House of Parliament, said, "It (Opposition's polity)will be a short-lived experiment - one the opposition would like to quickly forget".

BJP national vice president Chuba Ao on Tuesday flayed the move of tabling a No Confidencemotion and told 'Nagaland Page',  "It seems the Congress and other opposition parties have only used rhetoric power on the Manipur issues but now do not have confidence to face Home Minister Amit Shah in a debate on Manipur situation in Parliament".

July 26, 2023

India lands on Moon, triggers debate on global space race :::: Forget SICKULARISM !! Foreign media hail Chandrayan-3

India's Chandrayaan-3 mission is set to begin exploring an area of the moon that has yet to be visited and has water ice that could be a resource for future missions. 

- says 'The New York Times' 

"India’s aim to land on moon’s south pole signals ambition to join global space race" -- says 'South China Morning Post' 

(Aug 23, 2023) --- Moon story is a great national milestone, hence included

Blogger and Chuba Ao

"The very fact that the Indian government could work closely in coordination with Russians, the United States and other key players to arrive at a statement was a huge success. In the run up to the mega event, everyone thought a joint statement or a Declaration would not be possible. But the contradictions have been handled well. That's a determined approach and this is the signature style of Narendra Modi -- we the BJP karyakartas are so much aware of.  Shri Modi's statesmanship always spells confidence and optimism."

 - M Chuba Ao in an opinion piece on successful handling of G20 Summit by Modi government 
(Sept 14, 2023)

Cock may still crow in Nagaland; but real challenge will be to uphold what it stood for

Regional stalwart Vamuzo and blogger in 1990s

The regional party Naga People's Front (NPF) is gearing up for the October 21 general convention at Kohima. Speculation is rife about the change of president and the future roadmap. Who so ever makes it,there will be immense pressure on the new leadership to keep the state's and north east region's oldest outfit 'relevant' to Nagaland and Naga politics.

(NPF's change of guard was rather lackluster and displayed disunity.)   

"Those responsible for 'removal' of R N Ravi are to be blamed for delay in Naga Solution" .......Ex Nagaland Speaker Lohe shares his viewpoint

Lohe also wrote in his article that after Ravi was 'removed' to Tamil Nadu in the gubernatorial position; "the Govt of India had no mood to appoint another Interlocutor to succeed Mr R N Ravi. Consequently,the Naga negotiators placed themselves in an odd position as the rest of the political parleys had to be at the level of a mere emissary (A K Mishra) without political power and much below the status of the Interlocutor as we have asked for". 

Nov 15, 2023

The message is for across the country -- from Kashmir to Kohima !!  

Yet another time -- firm assertion ---- "India as a country can never have two Prime Ministers, two constitutions and two flags" - Amit Shah in Lok Sabha

Governor Ganesan and PM 

“We had been saying since 1950 that a country should have only one PM, one flag and one Constitution and not two and we have done it (removed the error)," the Home Minister said in Lok Sabha in no uncertain term. 

Dec 5, 2023


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