Wednesday, December 27, 2023

2023 recap -- "Mr Soros is an old rich opinionated person".... to "In Diplomacy you never give up" --- Jaishankar does justice to his job

“I could take a view that the individual in question, Mr (George) Soros, is an old, rich, opinionated person sitting in New York who still thinks that his views should determine how the entire world works....

“But he is old, rich opinionated and dangerous because what happens is when such people, such views and such organisations – they actually invest resources in shaping narratives,” Dr S Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister, said at the Raisina@Sydney conference in Sydney.  

"... in diplomacy, you never give up", Dr Jaishankar said while speaking about India-China relations. "In the border areas, we have resolved some issues. (But) there are issues (where) we have not," he said. 

Speaking at an event in Kolkata on June 30, Dr Jaishankar pointed out: "It finally takes two hands to clap and China too must have the belief in a workable relationship."

"When any big power rises, it wants stability. Our downturn with China was due to them after they changed the status quo. They need to come up on understanding that relationships need to have mutual understanding," he said. 

“....the unnamed country to our west which we are talking about , their problems are much more long term, they are much more deeper historically in terms of what happens when distortions have been introduced in natural progress of an economy. 

If you have, let us say, excessive expenditure on the military, if your borrowing hasn’t been prudent, if your infrastructure doesn’t pay its way. There are lots of factors there and multiple chickens are coming home to roost at the same time.”

-- Dr Jaishankar taking a dig at Pakistan during one interactive session in Washington in September

External affairs minister S Jaishankar during the interactive session at Hudson Institute 

"You have not heard very much about SAARC because, in the last few years, there isn't very much to hear about. We have not had meetings because you have a member of SAARC who doesn't conform to all the basic requirements of what a good membership is, and that is today an obstacle reality of SAARC to meet. 

You know I said we cannot continue with acts of terrorism and say the cooperation will continue to happen nevertheless," 

"...if you are objective enough to understand it. I think It says very clearly that people who are writing these reports have a strong bias, often they distort facts. many of these reports are riddled with inaccuracies. So I put it to you there is an ideological agenda. I don't know why that's hard to understand," Jaishankar said on 'reports' those have downgraded India's democracy scores.

****** Meanwhile on a visit to Moscow, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar met Ruusian president Vladimir Putin.

The Russian President invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Russia next year. "We will be glad to see our friend, Mr Prime Minister Modi in Russia," Putin told Dr Jaishankar. Jaishankar also met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

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