Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hindu assertiveness is 'new India's' confidence !! That has given some strengths to non-Nagas of Dimapur :::::: But all must be careful about dangerous menace called Bangladeshi influx

“Non-Nagas have lived in Nagaland since the 1880s and have significantly contributed to its economic, social, and cultural development. Just as Nagas are officially recognized as indigenous, non-Nagas who have lived here for generations should be granted the same status,” 

--- argued eloquently Rajesh Sethi recently at a seminar in Dimapur. 

Such statements could not have been made in the 1990s. 

This shows Nagaland has changed; and that means both the communities Non-Nagas and Nagas have also changed. 

That's the reality and Rajesh Sethi, a Congress leader, deserves some credit for being so candid and calling spade a spade. 

In fact, the fact of the bitter truth is Dimapur - Nagaland's commercial, residential and political capital - was nurtured over the decades by Marwaris and Bengalis. Please note Bengalis meant - Hindu Bengalis. 

But they are homeless in the town they grew up.  In contrast, the Benagli Muslim population has increased manifold and they dominate 'business nerve' of the township today.  

“Non-Naga Linguistics Forum of Nagaland” is thus is a happening thing and history-making episode. 

This will show results in times to come, one can hope. But a clear distinction has to be made between Biharis, Nepalis( Gorkhalis) Marwaris and Bengali Hindus on one side and the Bengali Muslims on the other side.

Flyover near Holy Cross School is 'new Dimapur' 

The Naga intellectuals and leaders of prominence are aware of the problem of Bangladeshi influx. No less than S C Jamir had said in 1994 that Bangladeshis "are increasing like rabbits".  

Now comes the related issue - I have raised above - the neo Hindu assertion across India. This phenomenon is linked to Narendra Modi and his continuous electoral success and also the obvious fact that the Muslim appeasement has failed the Congress and other opposition parties. 

The Kumbh Mela of 2025 has been particularly significant, marking a shift for Hindus in their own cultural and political prominence in India. Hindus are no longer shy to say they are Hindus. 

Globally and especially in the US under the Trump administration there are many Hindu movers and shakers and they are there by merits. 

Rajesh Sethi : AICC Minority Cell Leader 

Swami Shiv Premanand, a senior priest in the 8th-century Mahanirvani Akhara, has said: “There has been an awakening, particularly among the youth, to Sanatana Dharma [the principles of Hinduism], and we see more are committing".

“I would say it’s the beginning of a new era”.  Perhaps this assertiveness has created a mood for non-Nagas in Dimapur to take up matters related to their own rights or at least the claims. 

Of course Rajesh Sethi is himself a Jain and moreover he is a Congressman himself and hence he is not sympathising with the Hindutva cause of the BJP.  

But organisers of the non-Naga Linguistic Forum showing the confidence to seek their own position in the city and the society they build up is a great phenomenon. 

But it is also linked to 'pragmatism' of the Nagas of the new century. 

It is a fact that the Naga-non Naga realtion has been one of the best human bonds I have seen myself notwithstanding the hatred spread around the concept of 'plain manu'.  

The Nagas of Dimapur or in Nagaland understand the importance of friendship with non-Nagas in their lives. 

The Naga leaders are openly suggesting that the Sovereignty is not happening and hence "all of us have to sail together" is a new refrain.  

In this given scenario, pressure is being mounted on the Govt of India and all Naga groups and even civil society to work for an early Solution. 

The extortion has hit all sections of society.  Hundreds of non-Nagas have left Dimapur, a few hundreds would be flooding Khatkhati region shortly. 

A Naga youth born in 2000 (that is three years after the Peace talks commenced is today 25-year-old and he has stepped outside the state either in Pune, Bengaluru and Delhi -- he may not like to go back home. 

For the new generation Nagas or others - 'home' is where the education is and where the job is.

 A Naga youngster growing in NCR region like this blogger's daughter is more in love with Chhole Bhaturey than other traditional delicacies. That is life. 

But there are elements who want to harm Nagas of Nagaland by delaying the Solution and the entire process of peace talks. 

As a matter of fact the 'real and the only one Naga political body' that had Naga people's mandate was the NNC founded by A Z Phizo in Wokha in 1946. 

Any other claim as a pan-Naga body has no political and social significance. The question of sanctity does not come at all. 

During my early February visit to Dimapur, I was told by a senior NNPG stalwart - that Nagas of Nagaland are soon realising that while they chased out 'non Nagas' from Dimapur, the protagonists from outside Nagaland are interfering in their life and political direction. 

And worse, every body understands this but no one is speaking out. But he remains hopeful and hastened to add - things will start falling like a pack of cards.  

Time is the best drug. And the same 'time' is running out. 


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Hindu assertiveness is 'new India's' confidence !! That has given some strengths to non-Nagas of Dimapur :::::: But all must be careful about dangerous menace called Bangladeshi influx

“Non-Nagas have lived in Nagaland since the 1880s and have significantly contributed to its economic, social, and cultural development. Just...