Monday, November 25, 2024

"Unlike 1960s, No country including China will back anti-India insurgency in 2024" --- This has irked NSCN and also other militant groups in northeast

An expert on northeast says - New Delhi should give a clear message now that
Time has come to 'segregate the problems' of Nagaland state and Naga areas in other states !!  

Security analysts also say unlike 1960s, in 2024 no country including China will be keen to back any militant group against India. 

Economic interests are more significant aspects now.

This has made things tougher for all insurgent groups in northeast India. 

Pen and Guns !!

NSCN-IM ideologue R H Raising and some others in NSCN-IM may understand the gravity of the 'damage done' through the undiplomatic statement by Muivah apparently issued under Muivah’s signature after some flip flop and "dictation" by China-based leaders.

A veteran analyst who interacted with Naga leaders in the past have said that in fact; the Centre should conduct a intra departmental probe on whether hardliner Vs soft-liner debate has hit northeast India"s most potent group of 1990s. 

One analyst says  it was impossible for anyone to retract Muivah’s statement.

Hence; those in the know of things say _ Raising’s apparent and smart toning down statement was the only option. 

Moreover; the good old maxim -- Time is running out - applies to many in the NSCN-IM.  Some of them are rebels but tired of wars. Others are young and ambitious. 

Nagaland Page

Muivah was arrested in Bangkok for traveling on a Pakistani passport in 2000.But then too, he did not slam Govt of India. He did not lose cool. Thus,  Muivah's statement has actually harmed Muivah's own reputation as a tough but suave negotiator.

Left to them; a few of them in Delhi are now pushing a line that even in the NSCN-IM camp there may be a few who would say -- going back to violence and arson days will not help anything. This comes in reference to a statement from the militant group"s 'silent scorer" and a former spokesman - Rh. Raising.

"As a former acquaintance I know Raising also as practical, sensible and clever leader..... So his words are important,' said a former military officer who served in a top position in Nagaland. 

He also suggested -- "Rejection of Neiphiu Rio's request for new Interlocutor has given right missive to NSCN-IM camp also. 

Raising smartly avoided any reference to the issue of third party international intervention".

CM Neiphiu Rio 

A delegation of Naga CSOs including NPMHR, Global Naga Forum and Naga Mothers' Association are reportedly worried about the chances of reviving of violence. 

Many treat Muivah's statement of Nov 7th as undiplomatic. A few non political leaders reportedly sought an appointment and met Deputy Ato Kilonser V S Atem and others on Nov 18 and strongly insisted against abrogating Ceasefire. 

A retired security official said - "Every house has problems. Brothers do love each other but they also fight on issues of career choice etc". 


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