Monday, November 18, 2024

Team Neiphio Rio's Delhi Mission appears damp squib from start :::: 'We mooted all-party delegation including two MPs should meet Shah"

'We mooted all-party delegation including two MPs should meet Shah... also seek appointment with PM Narendra Modi and LoP Rahul Gandhi" 

New Delhi 

"Our Chief Minister Shri Neiphu Rio and two of his trusted deputiesT R Zeliang and Y Patton have hardly anything substantial or a new idea to sharewith the Government of India," - is the refrain among political parties in Nagaland.

If this refrain is taken as an indication, the latest pre-Christmas 'Delhi Mission'though may not hit a roadblock, it has seemingly turned into a 'damp squib'affair before it started.

Several political leaders irrespective of party affiliations say - "If they had anything substantial, they should have taken all 60 MLAs or legislators from all parties.

In fact, to include Congress they could have taken an all-party delegation to Delhi".

Seasoned player - Rio 

'Nagaland Page'

The naming of the leaders and political parties are avoided deliberately in this piece as several Netas requested anonymity. 

"Are you not my well wisher, forget naming me or even my tribe or my party.... They have KGB-type efficient informers. I am sure you do not want my voters and me to face any adverse consequences".

"These days our Lok Sabha Supongmeren Jamir and NDPP are like two faces of the same coin ... so I suggested to an important stakeholder that an all-party delegation comprising twoMPs - one from BJP and the other from Congress among others - should meet Amit Shah".

The general refrain is the Nagaland government almost sank "into the quagmire" after NSCN-IM general secretary Thuingaleng Muivah threatened to abrogate Ceasefire.

Muivah - "There's a perception Muivah and Rio have developed mutual admiration !"

It's a double-edged sword. If ceasefire ends, Nagaland will plunge into violence and police at times even getting delayed salary and facing "litigation" will not be able to face the challenge and the Centre may easily bring back the "notorious Disturbed Area Act".

In the meantime, sources said the Centre has sought reports from various agencies and also the state Home Department on law and order situation and threat perception if the ceasefire ends. 

Hence the "nervousness" in Kohima despite playing dream merchants is palpable as of now and that too on the eve of two mega fests - Hornbill and Christmas.

But the political leaders say - any attempt by any Naga leader or elected MLAs or Ministers to seek "ownership" about the Naga issue and the right or power to influence peace negotiations will not be entertained in the long run.  

"All political parties big or small have stakes. All 60 elected MLAs must be party to anything crucial," said a leader.

"In fact, if it is an all-party delegation, then Naga leaders and legislators could have also sought an appointment with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi and also President or Vice President of India. 

New Delhi Bosses should now appreciate our anxiety," said another leader -- also a former Minister.

There is intense speculation that as the alleged 'diversionary' tactic, the Chief Minister and his colleagues may request Home Minister Amit Shah for a political interlocutor and replace incumbent individual A K Mishra.

Eyebrows have been raised as to whether Team Rio's latest move is also a face-saver after mishandling the FNT issue.

As the pressure from the mass level or ground zero mounts for an early Solution some players are also pushing the case of NNPG for an early final agreement.

Alezo - may play a vital role on behalf of NNPG 

With the situation in Manipur again turning bad to worse, what New Delhi will do next is actually anybody's guess now. 


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