Friday, November 22, 2024

Negotiation table cannot be taken as a platform to argue or give lecture on history : Alezo

 Nagas are drowning in the whirlpool of social, economic and political liabilities and impoverishment, dancing to the tune of others. This has to change, said GPRN/NSCN (Unification) Ato Kilonser Alezo Venuh while addressing the 17th Naga Unification Day. 

He also said  --

"Negotiation table cannot be taken as a platform to argue, debate or give lecture on history". 

"Neither is it a platform to brag, threaten others with international connections and what political and military damage one could inflict upon India".

ALEZO further stated that a principled historical stand would be to put forth people's practical deman.

Alezo - who was a backroom ideologue in Naga movement for last many years - took over as Ato Kilonser of the group in April 2024.

He said: "The Naga youth of today need Institutions to achieve self-reliance with an effective self- sustainable fiscal business and management regiment, acquire professional excellence in technological and managerial education."

Trying to emerge as a statesman, Alezo said "Social and political awareness and the right to reciprocate and react to matters of public concern should be guaranteed through a fair political environment."

He recalled that 17 years ago, and prior to that, Naga intelligentsia and the societal institutions was much fragmented, which led to the divide among the principal actors in the revolutionary movement. 

"Individualistic and personal agendas could not sustain Naga movement and so a genuine unity movement was necessitated which led to the formation of NSCN (Unification) which was declared on 22nd Nov. 2007. Mushrooming factions is still a huge cause of concern but the silver lining is that there is clarity on who is working for Naga nation and who is for self- enrichment in the name of Naga movement."

He further said: 

"Every national worker must understand that seniority, position and status gained over the years is to strengthen the resolve and commitment to serve the nation, not build own castles and threaten our benefactors. Failure to follow this revolutionary principle will eventually force the people to phase out selfish and inconsiderate leaders."

He rightly said from 2017 onward, with the formation of WC, NNPGs, "a huge responsibility was given to me to co-ordinate with various Groups, Governments and the concerned in the Union of India. As we sat across the table, we could get a clear picture of what had been going on till then."

Alezo also stated that ---

Nagaland State was formed through a systematic process that took time.

Naga Peoples Convention in August 1957 adopted the resolution for forming a separate administrative Area by merging the Naga Hills District then under Assam and the Tuensang Frontier division of NEFA. 

This resolution was accepted by the Government of India. Through the NHTA Act in 1957 the Government of India itself created the new administrative area of Naga Hills Tuensang Arca.

 The 16 Point Agreement was signed three years later in 1960. The Constitution was amended to create the state in 1962. Nagaland became a reality in 1963. Το form Nagaland, then in the 1950s, it took over six years.

Naga integration is our people's legitimate right. Unfortunately, this is now a mere slogan to buy political relevance and create false hope. Had there been genuine political will and effort with proper system and structure 27 years back, integration would have been a reality by now. Nothing happens instantly at the stroke of a pen.

Officially on status paper of Gol and WC, NNPGs, the Government of India has agreed to constitute a High Power empowered committee as per the Agreed Position, so as to work out the traditional boundaries of the Naga Areas. Today the process of integration of the Naga Areas has been set into motion.

We feel the sense of belonging, dedication and commitment to our ancestral lands. 

It is also a reality that Nagaland belongs to the seventeen indigenous Naga tribes and indigenous non- Naga tribes and settlers as on first December 1963. Any matter on the political or customary affairs of the 17 Naga tribes will be decided by mutual understanding within themselves. Nagas of Nagaland cannot interfere or decide on the affairs of the Nagas of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. In the same way our customary system prohibits intervention of other Naga Tribes from Manipur or Arunachal Pradesh intervening in our political rights or customary matters. 

We must avoid irritation, intrusion or coercion on land, economy or governance. Our history and culture taught us to express brotherhood and solidarity during testing times, he said. 


A separate form of Government, Constitution, Defense forces, Foreign Affairs, Flag are matters incidental to a Sovereign Independent Nation. Such a political consideration of Sovereign Independent nation has to be written in black and white in any text of Agreement.

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