Tuesday, March 26, 2024

West has always played 'self-righteous'; they would decide parameters of Democracy .... they would decide Happiness Index and so often they found India doing poorly but Iran and Pakistan doing better

The self-righteous and anti-Hindu and anti-India narratives would no longer work. Bharat, that is India, will soon come out with the so called Democracy Index and other such 'yardsticks' passing judgement on the west, on the oil-rich Gulf and also itself maybe. 

And why not ? 

Patience has run out and hence Bharat will publish such a homegrown index/indices at the earliest. For a change 'desi' yardsticks will measure the west and the world. Until now, the western yardsticks measured India, its Sickularism and Democracy.  Before going much into these, it would be prudent to examine some of the recent reports and analyses from the Firangi schools of wisdom. 

First the latest, on March 26th, 2024, a Bloomberg article says - “The ‘Billionaire Raj’ headed by India’s modern bourgeoisie is now more unequal than the British Raj headed by the colonialist forces,” says a new study by the World Inequality Lab. 

Ting Tong na? 

The report, which spans a century, shines a spotlight on 2014-2022, the first eight years of rule by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his right-wing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP.

"The paper authored by Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Economics and World Inequality Lab), Lucas Chancel (Harvard Kennedy School and World Inequality Lab), and Nitin Kumar Bharti (New York University and World Inequality Lab) said, “By 2022-23, top one per cent income and wealth shares (22.6 per cent and 40.1 per cent) are at their highest historical levels and India’s top one per cent income share is among the very highest in the world, higher than even South Africa, Brazil, and the US.”

According to the paper, the Indian income tax system might be regressive when viewed from the lens of net wealth. The World Inequality Lab said factors, including a lack of education, have trapped some people in low-paid jobs and depressed the growth of the bottom 50 per cent and middle 40 per cent of Indians."  reported 'The Frontline' magazine published by 'Hindu' group. 

The only thing 'Hindu' about the media house is the name. Otherwise, they can be Yemen and Pakistan friendly on the drop of a hat. 

In 2019, the newspaper published the details of air force officer Abhinandan hurriedly -- so that pressure can be built up on New Delhi; and the group had reasons to hate Delhi because Narendra Modi has been in power. 

The group's top priority used to be project ultra leftism as panacea and poor Rahul Gandhi and his chief advisor (of 2024) Jairam Ramesh have often walked into the trap. Ask a 'beat correspondent' of Rural Development of yesteryears and some stories would unfold in no time !! Let us not go personal or hit anyone below the belt. 

Such prerogatives are best left for Firangi media and their sickular ilks in India. Ting Tong again !!

 We have another set of 'declarations'. This time from Pew !! 

It says, India exhibited the highest support for autocracy among the surveyed countries, with 67 per cent of respondents expressing approval. This marked an increase from 55 per cent in 2017. Additionally, India led in endorsing military rule with a staggering 72 percent in favour. 

On 72% of Indian respondents endorsing 'Military rule', the footnote is -- The survey revealed a correlation between income levels and acceptance of unchecked authority, suggesting that those with lower incomes were more inclined towards autocratic rule. 


Before going further let us debate the concept of Hindurashtra for a while. 

Firstly, there is no concept of Christian Raj !! That's called 'inspiration' !! 
We are often told -- "Lent is the season during which catechumens make their final preparations to be welcomed into the Church". 

Thus in the process even anti-healing legislation in Assam is debated and opposed vehemently.  In 2013 a question was asked within days of BJP leadership's decision to anoint Narendra Modi as the 'prime ministerial candidate' -- Does the move presage the emergence of a Hindurashtra? Obviously the argument/response used to be -- 'Hindurashtra is scary as it will trample down freedom. democracy and women's rights'. Ting Tong again !! 

Triple Talaq was okay to this school of wisdom ! Nevertheless the protagonists of Sickularism would presume - first Modi would never be India's Prime Minister. Mind you -- that was 2013 ! And secondly, they thought even if the accident happens -- it would be sheer accident and countdown for Modi's downfall would start as soon as he is/was sworn in. 

Hence, the half-baked wise school's verdict was -- the Hindurashtra representing narrow bigotry and exclusiveness would never be a reality. 

But 2024 -- something has changed !! And it has changed a lot. Look at what Mike Pompeo says: 

"We do not get right everyday in the United States either on the same set of issues (yardsticks such as Democracy is under threat. Of course, in the US, they say if Trump returns, Democracy will be under threat)....

I am confident you (India) will get it right. You will demand that your democracy is defended and protected and when your leaders don't , you will upgrade them, you will bring them back to the place you will want them".

Pompeo is not a RSS bigot. He was the Secretary of State under Domand Trump and -- who knows he could be back again !!  This is certainly a case where the American leader is batting for allowing Indians to manage their own shows. 

The Biden administration has been India-friendly but lately burnt its fingers bu making noises about CAA --- without really understanding the legislation nor the Indian history. Accordingly, it has been snubbed. External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar said, some of the western remarks on India's law on CAA gives the impression 'partition' never happened.

He also pointed out at various legislation the western countries have on those lines and they are fine with it. 

 Now coming back to those studies and what will be India's homegrown survey and study can reflect upon. 

Let us look closely at the so-called Liberal Democracy Index --- published VDem Institute of Sweden. India ranked 104th. 

Niger ranks above India. Niger is under a military ruler for sometime now and the 'elected' President is under house arrest since July 2023. 

Even Kuwait is above India ! It's oil idiot and not democracy !! 

In the Index of Happiness, India ranks 126th. The googly is - Pakistan is at 108. So being 'broke' facing food crises and to be unsafe is being happy !! Ting tong moment yet again.  

Only a firangi distorted brain can swallow what comes next -- even Myanmar is above India and Ukraine is ranked 105. -- So to get attacked by Putin's army is being 'happy'.

Indian reports will come soon and they should demolish these theories. Watch this space. 


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