Wednesday, January 4, 2023

1998 drama unfolding? Civil society keen to meet Shah amid talk on poll boycott

The fact that a methodical and flamboyant former Chief Secretary, Alemtemshi Jamir, attended the meeting with Rituraj Sinha gives an impression that things have been worked out in certain quarters already.

Kohima/New Delhi

The 'hands of clock' seem to have come back to the same position from 
where it all started.

Besides ENPO, the Central Nagaland Tribal Council (CNTC) has also threatened poll boycott. Things are complex as such and some influential civil society groups who were keen for early Solution have requested BJP state unit and others to organise a meeting with Home Minister Amit Shah on Jan 6.

"We are sure, we want Solution. We are not sure what the centre wants. If we are back again on debate between elections and Solution, perhaps we are not being fair to posterity. Still, a meeting with India's Home Minister will be important. This is the time to speak out, are they really keen for Solution. When will be the mood again for such consensus in Nagaland," a key civil society leader said unable to conceal his growing frustration.  

'Nagaland Page' Link

Others say, Nagaland is yet again at a crossroads. This opinion was also shared by some  who held a meeting in Dimapur on Tuesday under the aegis of 'Like Minded Naga Leaders' Forum'.

"We Nagas want Solution now and urgently. It seems negotiating parties are not
ready. There is no unanimity between New Delhi and Naga organisations.Moreover, no final decision has been taken on the ENPO issue also. So as of now and the kinds of things we all are witness to...We should get President's Rule. That's the only viable option," Hukavi Zhimomi said on behalf of the forum. 

Adding to the confusion during Tuesday's meeting with Morcha leaders and BJP office bearers at Kohima, sources say Nagaland in-charge Nalin Kohli (one signatory to now famous 20-40 deal with NDPP) and Rituraj Sinha apparently spoke only about Amit Shah's visit.

"It was like a drill training class. I enjoyed such interaction after a long time," said a Morcha functionary also ventilating his confusion about polls. 

Asked whether elections figured at the pep talks, one source said, "It did not figure in my meeting. But it was discussed in another very important meeting. After five years, we are still talking about strengthening party organisation and on ground, we are in a mess. If I was confused about polls before the meeting, I am still confused," the party insider said.  

The Like Minded Leaders Forum said as the present government in Nagaland under Neiphiu Rio is not performing well and the Government of India and the Naga negotiating parties have also not reached any consensus to sign a peace agreement for Solution, "so it will be appropriate to have the present government under Shri Rio dismissed and place Nagaland under President's Rule".

"The ENPO issue is also hanging and so Nagaland is not ready for elections because any election the manner we have cannot serve any purpose," another Forum leader remarked. 

Lately, even Congress pradesh president K Therie also demanded imposition of President's Rule.

Meanwhile, sources say central security forces have started landing at Dimapur and these could be related to polls. All these developments are seen crucial ones as they came on the eve of Home Minister Shah's possibly two-hour long visit to Nagaland on Jan 6. Shah will be in Manipur also on the same day wherein he is expected to meet civil society leaders from hill areas. 


The year ahead 2023 - Reflections of 'My master's laptop'

New Delhi 

Yup. You got it right. I am the 'laptop' and not the lapdog of my master - Nirendra.

It has been an interesting year, 2022 and 2023 looks exciting but could be frustrating for you Indians and also for the global population. One third of the global economy could face recession.Things will be worse in states and towns where cash doles are part of daily life. 

My master has been using me to write time and again; that -- there are some 'land' where payments are made for works done in heaven.

Well, nothing comes free. Someone pays the price. The year 2022 left all of you wondering why Tuensang-Mon region continues to suffer and miss out on infrastructures. Dimapur and adjoining hubs and jungles grew richer.

Let me caution, some of you - my master's friends could be swept away into uncharted waters.
2022 almost saw all hell break loose; but for a change Naga people are showing patience. Is it good?

Let elections be elections and not money spinning fests. It will make a big difference.  

The word 'Polycrisis' means --- several crises that converged to reinforce each other and create an overall challenge tougher to face/deal with than any single crisis. Nagaland's journey in 2022 has been on that score.

In 2023, either the 'Man of the year' Narendra Modi delivers Solution and Peace; or things come back to square one.

This is a new era where fewer people are reportedly having sex than ever before. Social health. 

People say there is a marked decline in all spheres of social life, including close friendships, intimate relationships and community involvement. They call it “social recession”. I have no answer to this.

More bitterly divided than ever, now people stand at an unprecedented crossroads.  

This is the technology era. Reading is becoming a vanishing art and how long can some newspapers survive is anybody's guess. But the obstinate man that my master is -- he thinks Journalism is yet to give its revolutionary punch.
He forgets there is hardly any journalism around. 

In politics, I tell my master, most genius people are at work. The political class swears by one thing, pledges another and thirdly, they do something else. Nexus is a small word. These are all pretty sophisticated techniques.

Money given from Delhi for the ENPO region has vanished and gone to some pockets.  

Did the funds reach people who almost for so many years focused on issuing threats to the Indian government and Indian army. Ting tong.This is another shape of a facilitator. 
But I am a tech product. You Indians are doing well, but have to do more with technology. 'Digital India' and payments directly into bank accounts have eradicated 'middlemen' and it's good. 

The potential for tech-driven revolution is still huge. More use of tech should be made to ensure meaningful employment. Those of you who are home sick and have hatred for hard work will continue to suffer. 

The world is your universe and the sky's the limit. Explore the outer world.

The moot point is that technology has a key role in highlighting the futility of violence and confrontation. Most industries if not all including cyber space, Start Ups and horticulture, tourism and even packaged foods should be allowed to function as industries per se. 

Let nothing else, but market dynamics allowed to prevail. 

For a change, give up the 20th century debate about insiders and outsiders. Any outsider is an 'insider' somewhere and vice versa. A few years back, some people from the northeast felt the buzz of 'outsiders' in Bengaluru.

Should their friendship bring in much desired Solution?

The global village and its 'mission' cannot be accomplished if some sets of people are not comfortable in your land. If one violence is mob lynching, the other one against a poor rickshahwallah cannot be virtuous self defence.

Those who work hard and display sincerity should replace the laggards. Those who run extra miles, must be rewarded and emulated; not ridiculed and sent in 'love letters'.

If you stop doing these in years to come, there will not be any demand for creation of a new state. 

Often it's said that success can become a tangible reality only when our products and services go places. 

Hatred also spreads and it sticks too. Some decades back, local-non local debates turned a gory turn. Kukis were hated and attacked; what are all that bitterness and ramifications over?  

We can no longer craft a narrative of a 'conspiracy' of outsiders to explain what are essentially your failures. Signing out with a promise to restart anytime. 

Look at me, my makers were Americans, brains were South Asians and maybe I have been marketed by some other human race, Taiwanese or Koreans. I am still on my own, often alone. Need timely healing.


“To be alone is the fate of all great minds.”
— Arthur Schopenhauer


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