Monday, August 16, 2021

"There are many unanswered questions, Current situation in Afghanistan is of great concern, India tells UNSC

"New regime in #Afghanistan shud represent all sections of Afghan society. Voices of #Afghan women, aspirations of Afghan children and the rights of #minorities must be respected". - #India at #UNSC

 India's Permanent Representative in UNSC T S Tirumurti on Monday said, "As a neighbour of Afghanistan, as a friend of its people, the current situation prevailing in the country is of great concern to us in India".

At the special and emergency meeting of UNSC following the fall of Kabul, India's envoy said, "Afghan men, women and children are living under a constant state of fear. They are uncertain about their future.

Question of Survival: Desperation 

"Everyone is concerned about the increasing violations of the fundamental rights of the Afghan citizens. Afghans are worried about whether their right to live with dignity would be respected.

"There are many unanswered questions. We hope that the situation stabilises soon," he said. 

India also hoped that the parties concerned would address humanitarian and security issues. "We also hope that there is an inclusive dispensation which represents all sections of Afghan society. Voices of Afghan women, aspirations of Afghan children and the rights of minorities must be respected".

Tirumurti said, "A broad representation would help the arrangements in more acceptability and legitimacy. The current situation in Afghanistan has numerous challenges".

Incidentally, India is holding the presidentship of UNSC for August 2021. 

"However, there are few opportunities if there is a zero tolerance for terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and it is ensured that the territory of Afghanistan is not used by terrorist groups to threaten or attack any other country. 

"Then Afghanistan's neighbours and the region would feel safer," he said virtually preempting certain moves of certain quarters - who have been traditionally supportive of Taliban and their frontline and violence-prone designs.

India's envoy said, "Afghanistan has already seen enough bloodshed in the past. It is time for international community to come together unitedly rising above any partisan interests to support the people of Afghanistan in their desire for peace, stability and security in the country". 



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