Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Nagaland assembly - Resolution on the Naga Political Issue :: :Urges for resuming Peace Talks with "positive approach"

(Ball is back where it all started.....
It's Time : Namo takes a call


Assembly proceedings Debate in Nagaland assembly on Aug 3, 2021 

Former CM, T R Zeliang, LoP and (NPF leader): 

"Seeing that other groups were not taken aboard, I had personally intervened and requested the Interlocutor (R N Ravi) and other Central leaders to invite them (NNPGs) for official talks. This did not go without hurdle as the Government of India as well as Isak Swu and Th. Muivah had to be convinced for this endeavour. 

Fortunately, after much persuasion both sides agreed and the Naga National Political Groups Working Committee, which then consisted only 6 groups were officially invited for talks leading to the signing of the Agreed Position on November 17, 2017”. 

On NPF decision to work in closer coordination with NDPP and his bete noire Neiphiu Rio (CM); T R Zeliang said -

"While there are many who are skeptical of the NPF party’s intention, we have time and again made it amply clear that we do not have any hidden agenda nor we are doing so out of desperation to be in the Treasury Bench; the only reason and purpose is to help facilitate the Naga political issue”.

Former Home Minister and NPF MLA, Kuzholuzo Nienu said Naga people’s original demand was for 'sovereignty'. He said people want solution because of "unwarranted activities" by Naga outfits. He said in the name of Naga nationalism Naga people are being taken to ransom by outfits and therefore people want any type of solution. “We cannot tolerate such activities”, he said. He asked the Government to act hard on such elements.

According to reports in Dimapur-based 'Nagaland Page', BJP Minister for Geology and Mining, Kashiho Sangtam, said that before implementation of an opposition-less government, as proposed by NPF, the Core Committee of state legislators should approach the different Naga groups to come together as one for the sake of one solution.

Earlier, Minister Kronu initiating the discussion said that time and again the Members of the Assembly have discussed the political issue but even now time is very crucial as the Naga issue is not yet resolved.
“We cannot stop on half-way as we have given our commitment to the public that as facilitator we will pursue and try our best to bring solution”, 

NDPP leader and Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said both the Framework Agreement of NSCN (I-M) and the Agreed Position of NNPGs had a lot of similarities and so efforts were made to have both the groups reconcile their differences.

On the issue of Naga flag and constitution, (which have kept solution suspended after all official negotiations concluded on October 31, 2019), Rio said centre would be keen to discuss 'even flag' post-solution.

On integration, Rio claimed that Shah said it was not possible immediately but that Nagas can have emotional integration through a Pan Naga hoho with its own flag. 

Rio also claimed that Shah said he was willing even to unfurl the Pan Naga Hoho flag on the occasion of its celebration.

On Naga constitution, Rio said it could be discussed minutely by Naga stakeholders, tribal leaders, civil society organisations etc so as to have a meeting point for the Naga aspiration.

Resolution on the Naga Political Issue


The House appeals to the negotiating Parties of the Indo-Naga Political
dialogue to resume the Peace Talks with a positive approach and mutual respect
for each other by setting aside pre-conditions, in deference to the Naga people's
cry for long term peace, and resolve the contentious issues of the competeneies
at the earliest.

The House appeals to all Naga Political Groups to make serious efforts
towards unity and reconciliation. The constant antagonism against each other,
especially in public space and the media is sending out a wrong message to the
masses, considering the fact that we are all pursuing the same aspiration of
peace and political solution. 

Taking the positive example set by the elected Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, who have risen above Party affiliations to unite for the Naga Political Issue, the Naga Political groups should make concerted efforts, and listen to the voice of the people for unity and oneness.

The House, while appreciating the constant role and contributions of the
Churches, Civil Societies and the NGOs towards facilitating peace and
strengthening the peace process, appeals to the Civil Societies, mass-based
Organisations and the Tribal Hohos to make renewed efforts towards creating a
conducive atmosphere for the early realisation of a political solution by
pursuing unity, reconciliation and oneness.

All Members of this House have come together under the same banner in
line with the election manifestoes of all Political Parties committing ourselves
to the people that all the elected Members are prepared to make any sacrifices
for an inclusive, honourable and acceptable solution.

The House, therefore, appeals to the Naga political negotiating groups to come . together in order to hammer out their differences, and give the people One
Solution and One Agreement. 

Naga CM Rio: Tight rope walk

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