Monday, August 16, 2021

I do not regret my decision....I will not pass the decision to next or 5th US President since 2001: Joe Biden

“This hasn’t been a 20-year war. It’s been one-year wars fought 20 times,” said a U.S. military official to convey the frustration with short-term thinking, multiple missteps and a lack of consistency over four administrations." - Reuters

US President Joe Biden did say, he stands behind his own 'decision' on withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan before preparing the ground adequately against a terrorist gang take over, but he blasted at Afghan army, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

In maiden message to the nation at a special briefing within days after fall of Kabul, Biden asserted that 
the mission of the United States in Afghanistan was never supposed to be 'nation building'.

He straightway blamed the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan on Afghan political leaders who fled the country and the unwillingness of the Afghan army to fight the militant group. And in a way also said he was helpless as Trump administration had already inked a pact. 

"I stand squarely behind my decision...."After 20 years I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces. That's why we're still there."

"The truth is: this did unfold more quickly than we anticipated. So what's happened? Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country. The Afghan military gave up, sometimes without trying to fight," Biden said.

##  Angry reactions poured in social media 
John Kirby says that the military did plan for the fall of Kabul. But they didn't predict that the Afghan military would give up so quickly. Incompetence top to bottom. - Melissa Mackenzie tweeted

John Kirby is stumbling u can’t cover this up we see what is going in u never plan anything, --- went another tweet
Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations. Author, The World: A Brief Introduction -  
"It is impossible to square @potus
 claim that human rights are at the center (and not the periphery) of US foreign policy & his decisions in Afghanistan. Either he should have done more there or should stop asserting principles we are unable or unwilling to make good on."

US enters or breaks into a country and want to make that country appear like America, that's the American problem 

(What President Biden says is important certainly, but what he did not say was perhaps more important. He should have said, well, we tried to exit but it did not go the way, we had planned)

Highlights of American President Biden's all important message on fall of Kabul 

Our mission in Afghanistan was never nation building, it was to fight terror/Al Qaeda: President Biden @POTUS 

President Joe Biden in his first message to the country after Taliban takeover of Afghanistan says "I stand squarely behind" decision to withdraw U.S. forces.

He said the Afghan collapse was quicker than anticipated.

I know my decision will be criticised, i will take those, rather pass on to the next President: Joe Biden

We have told #Taliban if our staff attacked, our works disturbed, the US action will be swift: Joe Biden

We have safely shut down our embassy: Joe Biden 

# The military action should have ended long ago: Biden 

( His speech/message focused on the 'decision' to leave Afghanistan; but what is important to underline is that there is a difference between 'withdrawal' and the it is done) 

The real haunting Biden administration is the 'shambolic' execution of the withdrawal decision.  

"The choice I had to make as President was to follow the agreement (inked during Trump administration) or to go back to fight Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season".



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