Thursday, February 2, 2023

Frontier News: 'Parting of ways' - Nay; but Smile is a good drug

Frontier News: 'Parting of ways' - Nay; but Smile is a good drug

"A Noklak village headman was my favourite", recalls Jamir 

Two Naga veteran leaders are angry. But more than being just 
angry -- both S C Jamir and K L Chishi are sad people.

When I spoke to time-tested leader Jamir first on Wednesday (Feb 1) -- hours after the news on 'Autonomous Council' reached me - he was certainly sad. 

"Dev, it all has happened in one life for me....Eastern Nagaland people joined us in the 1950s and 1960s deciding to be part of Nagaland state; and sadly I am still around and they have parted ways".

"What strikes you about the region most, sir"," - I asked. "Well, essentially people are simple and good-hearted.. My favourite character will be one village headman from the Noklak area, now it is a district. Every time I visited him in the 1990s and later, he would say, "ami mora nae dey...".  

"I vaguely remember his father too...He was a gem of a person and very proud of his native roots".

To another question, Jamir said, "Oh, some of their leaders grew up in front of me who were really committed for the state of Nagaland like Chingwang Konyak, P Enyei Konyak, Sao Chang, Chogshen Chang, Tochi Hanso, Yokten Konyak and S K Sangtam". 

Any interesting anecdotes sir, I asked him over the phone. "You call me after sometime...I do not remember anything now". Then after a while, Jamir himself called, "Well, Mr Dev...", he started. I know - the boss's mood is good.

Then Jamir says. "Most  of them knew Ao and almost all conversations were in Ao dialect. I have suggested  that for Mon and Tuensang, I want to send Montessori trained teachers but some of them vehemently opposed the idea so I had to scold some of them like Yokten Konyak who opposed it tooth and nail. It was like a family sharing with ministers from Mon and Tuensang areas at that time". 

The veteran leader also said, "In the 1993 elections. Eniye defeated Chingwang in Wakching, but after some time, I made them become friends and they would joke in front of me... Such lovely people". 

Jamir: Those were the days

Similarly, K L Chishi when asked to share anecdotes about his relationships with Eastern Nagaland leaders; said, "My favourite colleague used to be Mr Sedem Khaming. We were in the NPC....but once defection games started, he lost his way. Often I was not sure whether he was with me or with the Vamuzo camp or away from all of us with Jamir in the Congress camp".

Chishi laughed out and added, "Yes, this was the time I told the then Speaker Thenucho, it is of academic interest to know which side Mr Sedem really belongs to".

Then he referred to an important episode of 1990 politics. Tiameren and Chubatemjen Ao had played key roles in organising the 12 dissidents to topple Jamir. Chishi recalled, "The homework was done. All 12 hiding in a particular bungalow...They were still not sure of the name of the new legislature group and who would lead them".

"It was then I had suggested, call it Congress Regional and make Chongshen the leader...Thankfully both my ideas were accepted and thus Chongshen became my deputy Chief Minister. Incidentally he was the only Deputy CM from the Eastern region".

Chishi is always also fond of Chingwang Konyak. "We were classmates in Shillong St Anthony's and sat on the same bench....In politics, he came as MLA much before us. But as colleagues we fought on a number of occasions on how to topple the Rio ministry or corner Jamir in the 1990s".

"Anything more Sir," -- I asked innocuously.

Chishi said, "Oh, I still remember the day we launched the NDM in 1997. Some  journalists came from Kohima and as the Working President Chingwang in Dimapur was supposed to have organised things...And in Dimapur summer, there were not even cold drinks. Some of you might have cursed us and NDM did not last long" -- obviously making the statement in a jovial mood.

Later of course when Hokishe Sema and others joined the BJP, Chishi had taken over as the NDM president and he ran the show and the party could pick up five seats out of 20 it contested in 2003 polls.

There were other colleagues of his - Dally Namo, E T Ezung, Khekiho Sema, R S Jamir, Retd Co. Tinu from Indian army and Phanhcu. 

In the subsequent period, Chishi on 'invitation' from Congress president Sonia Gandhi was urged to merge NDM with the grand old party. "It was a very emotional and purposeful political meeting. Madam Sonia Gandhi told me, - you have been with the Congress since my mother in law's time, please come back home".  


Blogger and Chishi

Later, in the subsequent period, Chishi on 'invitation' from Congress president Sonia Gandhi was urged to merge NDM with the grand old party. "It was a very emotional meeting. Madam Sonia Gandhi told me, - you have been with the Congress since my mother in law's time, please come back home".  


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