Saturday, June 4, 2022

Pan Naga Hoho - as proposed by NSCN-IM - aims to make 'chairman' like Putin, Xi Jinping :::::: Prez Rule possible?

(Remarks in social media on Pan Naga Hoho ---- 'plans' ...

"one man way... a BIG NO..want us to become like Russia or North Korea 🤔.. at least in India we get a 'tamsaha' of freedom, liberty

Vikavi Inazhe Assumi ---- 

"Communism at its worst! Nagas should never buy this"

Pan Naga Hoho aims to make 'chairman' more powerful than India's President ... ..

 and as powerful as Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping 

New Delhi 

The bone of contention in the 25 years old Naga peace talks could be elsewhere - not the formal subjects of Flag and a separate Naga Constitution.

The Pan Naga Hoho as proposed by NSCN-IM, reportedly says - 'chairman' would be the most powerful authority who can suspend a death sentence issued by a court of law and who shall become the executive head as well the Supreme Commander of Nagalim.

It is understood, the government of India is unable to make a forward movement on this as it is difficult to stomach that in the garb of 'Naga Constitution' what is being proposed is that the proposed post of 'Chairman' of the Pan Naga Hoho would be more powerful than perhaps even the President of India.

Under the Indian Constitution, the Prime Minister is the executive head and President the Supreme Commander of the forces. Only dictatorial or a typical Presidential form of government has the same executive head and Supreme military commander.

"If things are accepted as it is, the Chairman of Pan Hoho will become as powerful as Xi Jinping in China or Russian ruler Vladimir Putin," a source told IANS adding, "one line says - The Chairman will have the power and authority to summon, prorogue and dissolve the House of Pan Naga Hoho with or without the consultation of the Governor General". 

The proponents of Pan Naga Hoho say - they also want to empower the Chairman with the 'power' to nominate members in the Pan Naga Hoho and this process will undermine the powers of elected Naga leaders.

It further states that all 'executive, political, budgetary and negotiating authority shall be vested in the chairman'.

"How can something like this be accepted which says the Chairman will also have the power to suspend sentence of any convicted person....Every time Naga leaders or even students and women groups meet, they say Nagas are democratic. There is absolutely nothing democratic about these proposals," remarked a retired civil servant on the condition of anonymity.

"From my 'experience' and 'very much personal and academic views' I can say the issues of Flag

and Constitution have been put on the table only to put pressure to accept the Pan Naga Hoho. But

 it is simply dictatorial and for one-man rule," the retired official remarked.  


The Pan Naga Hoho debate is not really new in Nagaland or with regard to Nagas.

In fact, Khekiye K Sema, a retired IAS officer, in an article to Nagaland newspapers recently

wrote - with the Pan Naga Hoho there is an "intent of perpetually controlling the destiny of 

the Nagas of Nagaland in the post solution era".

In another piece, he has argued and sought to caution the Nagas of Nagaland that -

"The determined uncompromising stand on the ‘Naga Flag’ is another issue that can only be 

seen as an additional ploy to reinforce our brothers’ (from Manipur) plan to entrench themselves in 


"Mark my word…the implication can be very damning which perhaps will go to the extent of 

our brothers claiming their rights to even contest election in Nagaland, with their kitchen still in Manipur, 

because according to NSCN (IM), Nagaland will become a ‘Naga Nation’ for all Nagas irrespective 

of wherever they live".

Senior analysts in Delhi and old timers in Nagaland agree about one thing that the Naga insurgency has come

a long way since the 1960s.

They say in 1966-67, China not only had backed the Naxalites upsiring in parts of West Bengal, in the 

same year NSCN-IM stalwart Thuingaleng Muivah and his other colleagues went to Yunnan province. 

The Naga group was even initially called 'Naga National Volunteers'.


How much of the Chinese and communists' influence are guiding the developments in Nagaland

now remains to be seen.

In fact, in the 1960s the central government agencies had reported that Nagaland was heading for 

a 'bigger clash' between communist-backed Isak Chishi Swu-Muivah group and an American 

Baptist church lobby-backed Naga National Council. 

This was later denied by the influential Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) and it said the organisation

and individual churches were only working for peace and tranquility playing the role of peacemakers

at times.

However, a number of senior church leaders were also eliminated by ultras over the years.

Those in the know of things say even in Sept-Oct 2020, a much headway was made towards Solution.

But on September 18, 2020, there was a clear setback to all efforts for reconciliation as the NSCN(IM) 

issued a statement from its headquarters saying a separate Naga flag and constitution 

"must form a part of the Indo-Naga political solution".


Around that time an impression was generated that Chinese agencies may not be too happy with movements towards

Peace and Solution to the Naga problem.

A peace breakthrough by September-October  2020 or so would have given

a strong global message that the peace has been attained by the Modi government 

notwithstanding India-China boundary skirmishes in June that year. 

It would have also shown perhaps that China can no longer be an elder brother

in the region. 

According to informed sources if the fear of ceasefire abrogation has surfaced again, it

is also not a new or a first-time phenomenon.

It is said after Indira Gandhi took over charge as Prime Minister in 1966,  as many as seven rounds of talks 

were held with NNC at top level. 

She was almost prepared to give anything lesser to sovereignty. But the dialogue was betrayed 

and the ceasefire was abrogated in 1967. 

Prior to her, Lal Bahadur Shastri was Prime Minister between June 9, 1964 and January 11, 1966.

The central government and the then PM Shastri also had worked hard and a Ceasefire Agreement 

for Suspension of Operation was signed by Vishnu Sahay, Governor of Nagaland 

and leaders such as Zashei Huire, Biseto Medom and L. Zhenito on behalf of NNC on September 6,1964.

The issues involved in Naga peace parleys are not only complex, there are wheels within wheels.


Why blame Rio ? Focus may soon shift to Raj Bhavan

New Delhi 

The Raj Bhavan at Kohima may come under spotlight sooner than later.

At present Prof Jagdish Mukhi is the custodian there but Nagaland always deserves
an exclusive Governor. The track record of Kohima Raj Bhavan has been as interesting as the politics of Nagaland. 

Nagaland Page 


Dr Gopal Singh was first exclusive Governor but he had issues with NPC and the then Opposition leader K L Chishi. M M Thomas was the first and only Christian Governor. But that did not spare him from getting the wrong side of state politics. 

NPCC president Shikiho Sema had got a 'show cause' notice from Raj Bhavan for some propaganda/poster campaign against Thomas. The Catholic leader from Kerala also was given the local tag 'Misa Misi'.

Somewhere things have taken a turn, and now A K Mishra runs the risk of being 'rewarded' similarly. Delhi babudom is surprised to note that some Nagas now find R N Ravi's offer 'better' than Mishra's.

The central BJP leadership is taking its own time. For a change, the Modi government is following P V Narasimha Rao's famous mantra - Not to take a decision is also a decision.

Anyone could have been made the Governor by now. There are ex-army officials, RSS tycoons, socialists trying to befriend Amit Shah and ex and present Congressmen who even make Narendra Modi shed tears. 

But the Modi-Shah duo is taking their time. It's not being clueless. 

Everything is planned. 

Even for state unit BJP chief, the high command has a road map.

It may surprise everyone. It may surprise everyone more by continuing with Temjen Aalong and then appoint a campaign or strategy committee controlled by B L Santhosh's trusted men.

At the end of the day, votes will come in the name of Narendra Modi, this is what BJP believes for Nagaland, Meghalaya or elsewhere.

Prof Mukhi is meeting people and other channels are open. Some sections want 'President's Rule'.

These two words no Chief Minister in office or his party like to hear. First reaction always is - "how is that possible ? I don't think". But detractors of incumbent Chief Ministers would always like it. 

Kewekhape Therie has already raised the voice. A talented Tenyimia leader Therie spoiled his career because he followed his instinct. Like many Naga politicians, Therie is also a 'SC Jamir discovery'. 

The seasoned former CM has always been a great talent spotter. 

On the other hand, we have Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio passing through one of the most testing times of his career.

Some challenges are his own creation. But it may not be a case to put the entire blame on him. 

Officially, both the NSCN-IM and the Government of India has not shared with him the so-called 'competency details'.

Look at the irony. From both sides expectations are again very high. 
Thuingaleng Muivah and others want him to deliver Solution with Flag and Constitution. The Modi government and Home Minister Amit Shah want Rio to give "100 percent if not more for a Solution without Flag and Constitution".

Move over, all sitting NDPP legislators want Rio to deliver their election victories. The talented 'G-21' also joined him and keep reminding him - elections ahi-asey toh !  

Once I told Rio - "Your position is like a helpless husband". Honourable Chief Minister had smiled (2020) and said - "It may be worse, now you are also a married man".

Sources say the G-21 jump-over brinkmanship was not his plans. His 'friend' (read T R Zeliang) threatened - if you do not take us, we have other options. 
The central BJP would never encourage that. They did not do so two years back. But Rio gave in.

Frustration is all around as a result of these and there are voices for President's Rule.

Rio has handled one brief spell of PR before 2008 assembly elections. The time was different as his 'friends' could help with diktat-politics during polling. This very option will have its limitation in 2023. 

A new Governor may come in with specific mandate. The May 31 deliberations did not go well according to the 'expectations' of many. In Delhi, unfortunately the blame is on Neiphiu Rio. 

He should have done better, some feel.

When the eldest son in a family gets 80 plus in Maths in Class X. His parents think he should instantly become an engineer. Rio faces such peculiar conditions, and he is walking more into this trap with every passing day.

It is easier to write as a journo than doing things as netas. But the best option before the Northern Angami II stalwart now is to announce that he may not contest 2023 election -- whatever the reasons.

But politicians never retire. Hokishe Seme agreed to suffer the humiliation of a defeat in 1993 at the hands of Vikishe Sema. An erudite of electoral politics, Jamir too lost his by-poll. 

But my attention is towards the Raj Bhavan-- either the new man or Prof Mukhi; some recommendations could come sooner than later.

Any Governor in office takes first lesson to learn is that he should 'obey' Delhi. After all he is President's eyes and ears.

Next important point - but often ignored is - that the Indian Constitution is not intended merely to enable the politicians to play the unending game of power. 

The Indian Constitution is neither a structure of fossils like a coral reef. 


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