Tuesday, June 7, 2022

We may be sincere well wishers, Mr Rio, ... Pls listen ....

New Delhi 

As a senior politician Honourable Chief Minister Mr Neiphiu Rio, you must be aware of the difference between sincere well wishers and others.

Your esteemed colleague and your friend, has issued a statement on June 5; he is a 'friend' na ! Let us forget the 2016-17 NPF histrionics and efforts to sideline you when you were 'away' from Nagaland but 'nearer' to us in Delhi.

Mr T R Zeliang has tried to counsel the entire state, media and others no to speak up.... the fact of the matter is -- this pressure has been built up on you, on UDA (including BJP, I do not rule out them) and all '60 powerful' people only because people and various organisations have started speaking out.

His words of wisdom - "...suggestion and advice should not be shaped out of one's desires to make an impact in the State political scenario" is comical. Because sir the essence of democracy is people would like to see the 'developments' according to their opinion.

If today, your esteemed chairman says - "the Peace talks are at the threshold of a final breakthrough", kindly admit that the people have made the difference.

If a ruling dispensation has to surrender to people's wishes, it would be wise to do so gracefully. No need for a patronising tone. 

Of course, one cannot forget other players like the Government of India, 'gutsy' Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a decisive Home Minister Amit Shah and also the NNPG -- a few protagonists in your UDA coalition may not like that umbrella group. But all have played a role.

But as a humble journo with the concern for 'positive' developments, one feels the most powerful influencing factor is growing public opinion. Today, in the 21st century, India and the rest of the world has to move forward with people-centric governance. 

Personally, you have known me from the days you were Minister of State for Youth Affairs and there was a protest by Science College students. I have fond memories of those days - even mid-nineties-when you used to suggest "things are disturbing in Nagaland, are you not looking for job opportunities in New Delhi".

Not many Naga leaders would have told a 'non Naga' like that.

The essence of my point is dear Sir, you should get back to your elements and take charge of things.

It is time, Sir, some of us sincerely feel, an elected Chief Minister and someone with your experience ought to take charge and issue concrete statements in the media without advising what common people or media should do or not do. 

You know, we have discussed many times that criticism actually works as a 'positive catalyst'

for those in power. Criticism is actually like chapters of history that one must read so that we are not condemned to repeating it.

It's time sir, you put a ban on the likes of UDA chairman T R Zeliang, K Azo Nienu (NPF and Co-chairman) and your colleagues Neiba Kronu and Imkong L Imchen from issuing statements at least for next few days. 

Now, Mr Imchen says Assamese people should 'bless' the Naga peace parleys. If you have been advised that you should not be speaking out, sack the advisor. 

People in Delhi and those in the government and the ruling BJP know your strengths. Some of them could need you in the future also. This is unlike many of your 'friends' and colleagues.

Time is ripe for you to play a historical role. Some well wishers of yours and 'sincere ones', I tell you; believe -- you can deliver much better on the entire peace process. Credit may be temporarily stolen by some other individuals; but after a while or so; things will fall in your favour.

The Naga peace talks have been one of the most complex subjects of the contemporary setting. 

Time sir; all of you - the political class - take advantage of the 'time' factor, the public mood and determination on the part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to deliver Solution and Peace.

Even Modi's detractors will agree, the Prime Minister is an ambitious man who wants his name to be recorded in history as someone who has done a few miracles to India.

Personally, I do not believe all of those superlative descriptions. But Time has helped him as well.

He has achieved a few milestones we never thought were possible. So, maybe a miracle will happen when the Naga peace pact is inked.

One point in Mr Zeliang's statement makes sense, however, that no stakeholder should "back out from what has been committed". 

The clarification from UDA chairman on Ntangki National Park is also to be welcomed.

But, don't you agree sir, this should have come earlier ? 

This clarification would have been so useful to the prolonged peace talks process. 

The 'bitterness' in the air would have been less.


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