Thursday, December 29, 2022

Satire -- only consolation being -- I am not alone in the train !

Jokingly Yours


Another year gone....another season of political wheeling and dealing too is ringing out. The world will soon step into 2023 ....but the outcome is uncertain.

As I take train to Dimapur from Guwahati-- my last train journey before Christmas; the cool breeze works like a lullaby. And eyes are closed and as I sleep briefly relishing the siesta; a man attired as the Santa Claus arrives and says the chocolate box has been taken away by custom officials. There were some ED officials also.

But he tells me - I give you an opportunity -- you can dream being Netas. You can in fact have three choices. YOU CAN BE IN THEIR SHOES AND YOU CAN HAVE THEIR BRAINS.

I find the offer too lucrative to reject. What about their 'hearts' ? -- I ask myself sheepishly; but then accept the offer. But I also make a request that while two can be politicians, the Third one should be non-political.

My first choice is being Neiphiu Rio -- of course an old acquaintance and the great Survivor of 2022. 

And I think as Rio : -- "Not a bad year .... afterall. 2022 passed off without facilitating anything on ground. I could handle so much pressure. And of course my favorite word of the year goneby 2022 is 'Himanta'. 

Favourite Numbers - 40 and 20 and please it's in this order. And the words and phrases I hated during the year-- -' Nagaland Page' and of course 'Nirendra'.

New Year Resolution-- Just survive in office.

My next choice is A K Mishra.

And I think as Mishra, the peace maker :

"Certainly a good year it was 2022. Lot of hard works and tough negotiations. 2023 looks promising. One additional assignment too. But the challenge is big in coming days. Most asked question for me in 2022 was "Mr Mishra, what is happening...any updates?".

Favourite word - Solution. The word I hated most during 2022 - also Solution. 

Mysterious words -- 'Eastern Nagaland'.

And finally I think as a 'budding Naga politician'.

And my thinking goes round and round.

Should I think like a regionalist and behave like one of the four MLAs and wait for instructions from a sitting boss. Should I think like a BJP man in Nagaland and leave things to uncle Himanta and his friends ?

Nobody really knows what will happen tomorrow. 

A day in Naga politics is a long time. In 2022, it looks longer. 

And more importantly, do we really know the direction of travel ? 

Our elders started a long, painful journey back from the delusions...and then there was psychic tug of war. Nothing has changed. My wife is a government servant. Once I thought she was my jackpot. Now she has not drawn salary for last few months.

But shopping and online shopping is my wife's past time. Children think I am a failed father. I got a call from my friend in Delhi -- he says things are not so good in Indian national capital too. He too is a failed hubby. 

I respond rather helplessly. "Why you say like this my friend ? Everyone says Modi ji is hosting G-20 Summit...and our fate too will be decided by Delhi".

He says -- "Modi asey hobo toh".

I get angry for a while. But as my thought comes back to the bearded man and his Yatra, I get more angry. 

I scream almost -- "Once you all said Mera Bhartat you say India First....and Make in India; when will Delhi really show how sincere you all are.  Give us jobs and also salary...and we will like you for another 50 years'.
The Common Man in me rises up. Santa is gone. There is a widespread feeling of gloom in the train compartment.

My co passengers know it well -- the journey has been delayed. The food packets are costlier than usual. 

There is no water and they know that their destiny is not in their hands or in the hands of their elected representatives. I tell one co passenger -- no reputation manager can fix the shame of being laughed at. How  an ‘compromised’ politician, self seeking media and corrupt bureaucrat lead us out of this hole?

(No offence meant; and Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.) 


(this piece published in 'Nagaland Page' -- Dec 23, 2022) 

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