Thursday, February 10, 2022

Letter from a 'failed writer' to a successful 'naughty' lensman ! Both ex-Anthonians, Shillong

Letter from a 'failed writer' to a successful 'naughty' lensman ! Both ex-Anthonians, Shillong

Dear Alvin,

How are things at your end? It was wonderful to discover you on Facebook and now you are an active participant in our school batchmates-Whatsapp group.

Technology, generally unkind - has chosen to be kind to us. We all could get together after 35 plus years. La boh Leea !

Love-able beauty : Alvin's click

Some of  YOU !! 

You remember the 'phrase' ! The world has changed man? But has it really?

The birds and natural scenes you capture are just wonderful. Very few professionals can match that. Remember the joke from first floor St Anthony's School, Class IX corridors -- your eyes never missed the 'real birds' from St Mary's.

And the Moral Science teacher Mr War -- he used to teach "all of us are brothers and sisters".

You were one, who never agreed to that line. In fact, none of us believed that line when it came to staring down towards St Mary's. 

Time has flown --- as if faster than we had planned. I have lost a number of teeth. Hair was never my strongpoint. You look much younger, trust me. My wife said so! Women are generally 'jealous' but who bothers?

The other day, I checked my mailbox; and you have penned some lines so craftily.

"Hi, myself Alvin Sinha, a medico by profession and an avid nature and wildlife photographer by passion........far away from the mad rush of chaotic urban life...... and it keeps me alive and kicking. I can say it's my regular dose of medicines to keep my rising BP in check".

UNICEF, IAS and 'poor journalism' 

Real gentleman-variety of an intro about oneself. Who taught such wonderful lines? This is not natural with you, I knew.

"Get back naughty...dear". - This would be my appeal to you. But to be on safer side, take 'wife's permission'!

I know, these are difficult stuffs to get from a wife. 

As I sit to write a few lines for you and your photographs, I realised there is a hurdle.

No, it's not fingers. 

It is the mind; it does not know how to check the emotion and focus on writing. 

Alvin's magic !

There is another area of problem. Yes man; the eyes are suddenly moist. You always used to say, " Do not be so emotional idiot". 

Am I really like that? I think some friends gave you a nick name....Let us debate that some other day.

Sanjay Das, you remember is now a Congress neta! He says, "We will prove all of you wrong, my boat is never sinking".

Sanju called me 'Jonga from Mizoram'. Not many of our classmates knew 'Jonga' in Lushai language meant -monkey! 

I had landed in Shillong from Lunglei in Mizoram. No one has called me by that name for years now!

Sanjay Das and some of us 

What's wrong if classmates call me 'Jonga' .... that means all of you are from the same breed.

Who has been the 'smartest' of all monkeys? Let me not guess. Discuss with some friends you meet therein Guwahati and share with me the feedback.

I have said some of it earlier as well.

There have been certain tragedies in between - 1982 (my Class VIII) and now - Narayan Rao, Dharmendu Chudhary have left for heavenly abode -- owing to road accidents. 

Roads are not only signs of progress, they are also killers!

Some of your birdie snaps really have stories to offer. 

I endorse your lines..... "We are dependent on nature for our sustenance. Maintaining eco- diversity in  a balance check will keep our mother earth in a healthy state, and we as humans will only benefit from it". 

Then you have rightly spoken about the pandemic crisis and nature can actually make adifference!

I also like what you say in the following lines - "My belief is that my captures on my lens will make people more aware and be attracted to nature, and the wonderful and beautiful creations of God that exists in the form of birds and wildlife make them realise the need for conservation".

Things have gone pretty serious.Let me do a makeover, do you remember Lur ! He is like a 'fish' these days ! Yes, also naughty and drinking!

He has reasons. Remember his statement - "Life means celebrate". Many in our group says - "No celebration can be complete without a few pegs".

But with some 'pegs' are decided by the number of large glasses! 

'Glasses' are pretty large in Delhi and Haryana region. These 'dedicated' people in Hindi heartland take lassi, so glasses are large. Pegs actually go well in large glasses. I am also jealous, some of them keep meeting and drinking !

Covid, Lockdown and restrictions made no difference to their lives! Only a doctor like you can appreciatethe reasons for such 'madness'. There is a method in everything.

Among other friends -- Stanley saar is busy with 'organic greens' -- that was a message in Whatsapp !

Yes man, every time an Anthonian speaks, there is a double meaning ! 

When they take a few pegs -- it's actually multi meaning. Ako is a civil servant these days. I was told a very strictadministrator.Could you recognise him, - 'Roll 42'. Alvin, you always pulled his leg. Yes, you used to say "one zero missing". And he would get wild.

So sweet na! His cheeks almost reddened. 

But today, he just messaged "OK". A quick and shortest response toa sharp question, "Are we all meeting on March 5" !

Lucky guys again. You join them and take your camera. Some of them will caution you about 'tools' !

Again double meaning ! 

Write back to me soon. Let me know what 'nickname' you got from St Antony's !

Yours --- Roll 40 ! Ya that's right "2" missing ! Again double meaning !!

--- If you face a problem in understanding the content of this letter, I will know I am a "failed writer !!"

There is a message from 'fagol' Manoj. He says "...nice place, we can have it there". Ask him toclarify the statement and what 'have' means !

Yes, Alvin ....once memories are handled; comes in Emotion. Each victory over certain small memories adds a new emotion! 

Your birds are lovely creatures; keep flying around. Imagine they had 'memories' and 'bad memories'like some of us !!

(I firmly believe -- this letter could have been penned by anyone of you (us) for anyone of us (you).

Taken some liberty and made use of a 'fertile' imagination power !! 

Laa Boh Leea !!

Snap by another genius Rupam Sharma

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