Time has come that any pious fraud which is hindering the peace process requires to be shown up in its true colors and its evil effect and design exposed, says former Nagaland Chief Minister S C Jamir
Veteran leader pushes for an unanimous resolution of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly to expedite talks and signing of a final peace agreement.
(Extracts from an article by S C Jamir)
A new concept of a Party-less or Opposition less Government is another queer or outlandish experiment in the State of Nagaland. Initially, it was proclaimed that formation of a Party-less Government in Nagaland was to help hasten the Naga political settlement but there was no positive result to achieve the objective.
Election was held and after declaration of results all elected MLAs irrespective of different political parties came out officially supporting the ruling government which is nothing but hangover of the Opposition-less idea .
It is a clear manifestation of their sole objective to be a part of the treasury bench only which as a matter fact is a negation of democratic norms. I thing party-less government is a new and peculiar political lexicon in a democratic government which is found only in Nagaland.
Politically,this is not at all a healthy development for the future of Nagaland. Should the Naga leaders both overground and underground truthfully and sincerely work for an objective that is real , things will begin to get out of their muddles. Chasing mirage will create more and more confusions in their minds as well as the people.
Pages of yesterday can not be revived because millions of yesterdays have merged into eternity but today and tomorrow are still in our hands and both the pages are blank. It is entirely up to us to decide what kind of history should we write on these pages.? Proverbs 14:34.” Righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” For a better and regenerated Nagaland , Truth must be the cornerstone . Nothing so common now-a-days in Nagaland as to hear from different sections of the community such as the Church leaders, politicians and educated men and women, advocating eloquently the cause of truth , duty and reformation but in reality noting is noticeable in human society.
It is difficult to make out how many of them who really feel and faith in their hearts of what they say to be the right way ! The hour of trials over the years have proved that the zeal which leaders which have been exhibited for the cause of the people is viewed in mere vapory sentimentalism.
The people are silently watching how many intellectuals and leaders of different political colours have been converted into moral pygmies under the overpowering weight of materialism and how strikingly has their boasted sense of truth melted away into nothingness.
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There is a tremendous realization in the minds of the majority of the people of Nagaland that chasing a mirage shall neither redeem nor salvage the people of Nagaland. They are anxiously waiting for a new dawn wherein Naga polity can measure up with the rest of the civilized society.
While designing and fashioning then future, we should also remember that the past cannot be the ruler of the present, and also the new concept of the polity must give way to something higher and better and more in keeping with the contemporary realities.
It is of utmost importance to the Nagas to harmonize, if possible, such conflicting opinions and hopes and determine, honestly and dispassionately, where all of them should unite for the common goal, and , to enable the hearts and minds of contenting groups or parties may be brought together, and made to pursue the common path which leads to the better and brighter future of Nagaland.
The leadership of the Nagas should be guided by realism and pragmatism while fashioning the future of Nagaland. Geographical location, size of the area, population, resources and man power etc should be taken into account while working out to build the state of Nagaland.
It has been the common error in the past that many a time, we generally speculate about the future, we dwell more on what men wish than what facts warrant. It will never help achieve the goal nor help to soar into the height of fancy, and behold, grand and magnificient, adorned with all the riches of colours available under the sun which are our imagination could conjure up.
It is time perhaps to keep ourselves grounded to realities of contemporary settings. We ought to avoid all imagining schemes and poetical sentiments, we are to be guided by the light of facts as available around us.
It will be foolish to speculate about the future without the aid of the past; for it is only from induction of facts which have actually happened that we can devise with tolerable accuracy what may happen in future.
What are the stark realities of the present political quagmire in Nagaland ? There are multiple factions of the underground but all of them spring up originally from the one and the same root, but soon branched off in different and opposite directions. All of them born of the same parentage, they vary in the course of their development according to the influence they respectively received.
Some of them have to borrow from Chines political ideology-“ Power emanate from the barrel of the gun.” More than 20 years ago, may be at the appointed time,political wisdom dawn in the minds of the underground leadership to find and explore an honourable political settlement and subsequently ceasefire was declared in 1997 to embark on negotiations with the GOI for a final settlement.
After years of discussions and deliberations at different times and places, it was mutually agreed between the Govt. of India and the underground groups to commit all the agreed points into writing to be the basis of formal political agreements to bring the Nga political problem to a logical conclusion.
Accordingly Frame Work Agreement of 3rd August 2015 between the NSCN( IM) and the Government of India was signed in the presence of the PM Narendra Modi, HM Rajnath Singh and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and n the other side by none other than Th.Muivah, The General Secretary of the NSCN(IM) and late Isac Swu, the President of the NSCN(IM) also appended his signature on the body of the said agreement from his sick bed. Another agreement known as Agreed Position was signed on 17.11.2017 between the GOI and the NNPGs.
All these exercises were made after thorough discussions and considerations of all political implications. Lastly, its significance is the unanimity at the time of signing the agreements. The public of Nagaland will surely presumed that the two agreements were signed consciously and with full knowledge and understanding of its contents. Moreover, under the contemporary political realities, the agreements would serve the best interests of the people of Nagaland and the country.
Notable commitments of the GOI.
The Prime Minister of India had said that Naga problem would be resolved within eighteen months. Accordingly to demonstrate that spirit and commitment two agreements were signed.
In the last Nagaland Assembly election in 2018 the BJP had categorically and publicly announced “Election for solution”. Even though another election of 2023 has been already completed and a new Govt. has been formed, this declaration is yet to see the light of the day.
The sanctity of the two agreements needs to be respected by the signatories. Political agreements once officially signed , it should be implemented both in letter and spirit. Extraneous issues should not overshadow the sanctity of the agreement.
Time has come that any pious fraud which is hindering the peace process requires to be shown up in its true colors and its evil effect and design exposed, that it may be publicly proscribed and execrated.
It is awful to contemplate the gravity and magnitude of the deception itself , and the amount of damage done to the morality of the Naga polity.
Now that a new Government is on the saddle with fresh mandate from the people of Nagaland, the people are expecting that with the full and solid backing of this new Government both the GOI and the Naga Underground to finally resolve the Naga political problem within a time frame.
A unanimous resolution of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly will be the legitimate voice of the people of Nagaland to urge the signatories of the two previous agreements to come forward and ink the final agreement for a lasting solution.
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"...experimental tourism to be integral parts of our tourism strategy".
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