Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Clamour for Solution grows as rebel groups celebrate 'Naga Republic Day' :::: Governor Ganesan pitches for 'early solution'

Governor Ganesan pitches for 'early solution' through the peace process that is honorable, acceptable, and inclusive.

New Delhi/Dimapur

Various Naga militant groups including NSCN-IM and outfits that are part of theumbrella organisation Naga National Political Group (NNPG) observed what they call the 'Naga Republic Day' on Tuesday, March 21.

"Solution to the Indo-Naga problem is the only answer to the perennial burden on the people. I remind the Naga public and leaders at all level to seriously pursue and assist in salvaging our history and identity," said M B Neokpao Konyak of NSCN-Unification at their designated camp at Khehoyi near Dimapur.

NNPG leaders 

The NSCN-Unification led by Neokpao Konyak and N Kitovi Zhimomi is the principal forcebehind NNPG which is all for an early signing of a final peace pact with the Govt of India. Kitovi is the convener of the NNPG.

"I urge the current dispensation at Kohima, headed by Nagaland state Chief Minister (Neiphiu Rio) to shift focus from electoral politics to facilitating and resolving the Indo-Naga political problem. Rampant extortion and corruption in our social, political and economic spheres is the achille's heel of the Naga people," Neokpao Konyaksaid. 

In his speech, Q. Tuccu, chairman of NSCN-IM, however said, "the ball is in the court of India".

In reference to contentious issues of Flag and a separate Naga Constitution, which the Govt of India has rejected,the NSCN-IM leader said, "We are now simply waiting how the Government of India will pick up the threads of the Indo-Naga political talks with correct narrative".He stated, "What is to be done in the event of failure of talks? We have to work out a survival strategy" andwent on to add,  "...the final showdown must be a battle to decide our future. The fight is going to be tough".

Another group also owing allegiance to the NNPG, the NSCN-Reformation leader Y. Wangtin Nagasaid, "The NNPGs have completed the negotiating part and made known to the Nagas what has been discussed and agreed upon between India and the Nagas. The NNPG maintained total transparency as talk is held for the Nagas based on political history. Now, the ball is in GOI’s court and the Naga people should simply observe as to how far New Delhi is serious to solve the long pending Naga political issue". 

"The GoI should be serious to fulfill what was promised. Come, let us reason together and act together," Wangtin said.

Notably, in his address to the newly constituted Nagaland assembly, the state Governor La Ganesansaid on Tuesday that due to the unresolved Naga political issue, the smooth march of the State toward progress and development was being affected. He, therefore, stressed the need for an 'early solution' through the peace process that is honorable, acceptable, and inclusive.

The Governor assured that the state government led by NDPP-BJP dispensation would be proactive and continue to play the role of a sincere and active facilitator for strengthening the ongoing peace process for bringing an early solution.

In a significant development, NSCN-IM & NNPG leaders on Jan 14 inked a joint statement seeking to open a new vista in mutual ties and how to "collaborate" for resolution of the Naga "historical and political rights with the Govt of India".

The joint statement also said that, "...the NNPG and the NSCN on this day declare our unconditional commitment to collaborate on the basis of our respective agreements (Framework Agreement of 2015 and the Agreed Position of 2017) with immediate effect, for the resolution of the Naga "historical and political rights with Govt of India". The signatories were Q Tuccu, chairman of NSCN-IM and N Kitovi Zhimomi, convener NNPG. 

The election process in February apparently had delayed the peace process and analysts feel things could be broughtback on track at the earliest now.  


(Nirendra Dev is a New Delhi-based journalist. He is also author of books, 'The Talking Guns: North East India' and 'Modi to Moditva: An Uncensored Truth'. Views are personal)

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