Thursday, March 9, 2023

NNPG and the roadmap to Peace and Solution


 Election results are final, but not infallible 

New Delhi 

The biggest paradox often unspoken is once someone starts 'hating' an enemy,
he can also become akin to the enemy. This is a danger often has struck people
either in police or in Naxal or terrorism activities.  

The NNPG should quickly learn the art of flirting with 'Frenemies' -- a new age terminology for friends turned political rivals and detractors turned well wishers.
In democracy people's mandate is sacred. 

The verdict was acceptable when it was not given; and it is mandatory now post-elections.

Those who believed in money power have been proved right. The only big difference is before the polls; there were some hopes. There were a few prospects of miracles; now there are none.

NNPG chief Kitovi: Has a tough task ahead !

Those who are rejoicing the mandate 2023 in Nagaland and also the election victories should do some soul searching. The exercise would lead to the understanding of what led to 'further delay' to the peace process.

Closer analysis would reveal that 'what has been decided for the state of Nagaland and the people of the state' has been in effect decided with some intent. Who knows the decision was made by one or two individuals and those who are all for all practical purposes are 'outside Nagaland' ?

The powerful Home Minister is just one of them. 

Well, never in human history the 'outsiders' thrive or can do some damaging things if there are no internal collaborators. These collaborators could be known and unknown faces. But the fact of the matter is the peace has been delayed and derailed. Those who smile will continue to be the masters of the fate of a so-called valiant community and its history.

The real psychic tug of war is not between who is pro-India and who is not. The real challenge is to get rid off certain limitations --- firstly the growing weakness for money, secondly - being emotional where emotions continue to harm the people themselves. 

Emotions guided by principles and logic could have given some hopes for corrective measures.

Thirdly and importantly, the continued indifference and the unwillingness of the citizens to call spade a spade. People think what's the use of taking risks and troubles when my relatives and neighbours are busy making money.

All these combined together and even individually could easily lead to frustration. These frustrations are bad and lead people to cry helplessness. But those who want to cherish some values and principles should be ready to make some sacrifices.

The word 'sacrifice' does not apply to many in the present generation. It is already a vanishing word across the country and the globe. 

But some people will continue to work relentlessly even as they could be easily dismissed as impractical. The NPPG leaders must be assessing the ground situations. They have to identify the factors leading to 'sabotage' of the peace process. Is the state administration at Kohima not doing enough ? 

And if so, can the same administration and the 'same leadership' be persuaded this time to play a different role?

'Nagaland Page' Link

A few suggestions for NNPG. They can meet the new legislators if necessary in presence of Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio and if necessary even in his absence. 

The MLAs of the new House deserve to be explained properly on what led to the polls - keeping the talks in abeyance - and what factors actually led to the real seasons forcing them to spend such huge amounts.

The logic of 'resuming' the talks does not make much sense as parleys from all sides are practically over.


Of course, we have 60 people inside the august House and there are 120 plus who contested elections unsuccessfully and also are good stakeholders in Nagaland polity. How long will they remain silent?

An election marred by huge expenditures cannot hope to correct the polity and administration. This argument gets strengthened in the fact that no party - both the NDPP and the BJP - decided not to opt for many new faces in the new ministry. Somehow the underlying message is everyone seems to thrive in the status quo.

There can be yet another argument. The NNPG should not bother much about the legislators or the state government in Nagaland. They should keep their house in order and maintain unity. The NNPG leadership should be more interested to see how things unfold at the Government of India level as during the election campaign too both Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah have given glimpses of their sincerity.

It would be prudent to see if the Modi-Shah duo can really keep their words or more importantly will they be sincere enough to do so.

For NDPP the decision has been taken by Chief Minister Rio himself. For BJP it is possible the Rio-Himanta bond decided some of the outcomes in government formation. Rio played a smart but tricky game in making Western Angami legislator S Kruse a minister. 

This move appeared to have been guided by an intent to continue depriving any ministership to Southern Angami II. The first BJP MLA from Tenyimi block
is kept out of the ministry.

Voters bordering Manipur state will certainly be upset.


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