Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Unstoppable: Real winner of 2023 North East polls is saffron party :::: The Mandate and Political illusion

The BJP's seats will not matter, the real winner of the 2023 polls is the saffron party and their bosses. Congratulations to the real unstoppables. 

In a general sense the elections in these three states have one common thread -- they have national significance. Polls in all these states are revolved around PM Modi and Moditva. The large turnout in Tripura is because people have high expectations from Modi. This is crucial because Left still controls the mindset there. 

And they have a formidable eco system. If BJP thinks it can come to power in Meghalaya, it is because of the Prime Minister and his image of a performer. In Nagaland with regard peace talks if Nagas can dream of a solution, it is because Modi is the Prime Minister.


"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved". 

-  George MacDonald, Scottish writer 

Crisis of will power leads to weak foundation and political illusion. Nagaland is faced with daunting challenges both external and internal. But who all have been vanquished in this year's elections?

It is mandate time and yet it is difficult to say - may the best candidate and the best party win. Heart-in-heart everyone knows half of the things have been purchased and sold. For the rest of the half, the best did not fight. In such situations cowardice can be a virtue. Bravery does not mean the will to loot.

Proxy voting thrived in Dimapur. The real political will of the leaders is lacking and so the audacity of sincerity for Solution is only a creation of political illusion. So, just nobody is bothered. The return of status quoists is inevitable and most of it is inspired by New Delhi. 

NPF-NDPP mild skirmishes have started. A dramatic description of March 2 would be to call it a sombre occasion as any to analyse the backstage. NPF chief Shurhozelie Liezietsu said on Feb 27 that the NSCN-IM 'opposed' his party in the elections. Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, asked to comment on related issues, said, "The question of uprooting NPF does not arise. If he cannot manage or take care of his own party, how can he blame somebody for his failures".

In other words, gloves are already off. 

Still let us be democratic and gather the will power to congratulate the winners -- however disagreement we have with the methodology of the victors.

But the challenging situations Nagas of Nagaland will be in - for next five years if not less - will require countermeasures. Most civil society leaders have perhaps lost the appetite. For others the first few weeks and months could be to play 'sycophants' and take to the road of profitability. 

More Boleros and SUV cars.

However, for the microscopic minority those who want the fight against extortion to be given more teeth and Political Solution expedited, there is a ray of hope.
That window was opened on the polling day by no less than India's powerful Home Minister Amit Shah. 

Nagaland Congress chief Therie : Sweat it out in Dimapur I 

His tweet and reference to the 'peace process' is actually like a cry of a guilty conscience. Nevertheless, someone quickly got nervous and said 'there can be no deadline or time line'. The principal stakeholder is a little disturbed because Prime Minister Narendra Modi also in his own style made a reference to his 2017 meeting 
with Gaon Burras. 

Solution means 'joblessness' for some and of course also halt to currency supplies to friends. But at the same time the principal thing at stake in Nagaland is the pending peace process and Solution. 

Mr Modi is keen to deliver because he thrives in fulfilling such promises and the applause he gets in return.

At the national level till it happened skeptics and Modi detractors kept on mocking about the Ram temple and Art 370. The usual Congress criticism used to be 'BJP says they will make the temple, but they will never promise you any date'. 

Though the challenge about Solution to Naga issue is much smaller in scale it has all the complexities such an issue can offer.

So it is sincerely hoped that Modi has fixed a calendar of his own. And if so -- any time-frame is possible. 

Importantly again, on the polling day Neiphiu Rio also did something unthinkable. He called both the NSCN-IM and NNPG  "strong groups" and lauded the two sides for coming together with a joint statement on Jan 14, 2023.  Amit Shah's tweet on the polling day is more than just a modest appeal urging voters to exercise their franchise.

Amit Shah: Campaign in Eastern Nagaland

In Lutyen's city, observers say --- it was like reminding oneself. Oh ! we must do it. Things need not go for another five years though some people will be praying for continued stalemate. The truth involves all -- one can say. 

This is also not to say that the other players -- the new state government and new legislators will be sitting pretty.  Chances are that they will creep closer to the 'power magnate - BJP'  out of fear of their shrinking clout and political space. A K Mishra will be in action too.

The BJP's seats will not matter, the real winner of the 2023 polls is the saffron party and their bosses. Congratulations to the real unstoppables. 


LJP supporter in Ghaspani I 

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