Sunday, August 14, 2022

"The establishment of Pakistan was a miracle," says Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif

 (we feel bad in India about Partition....but Pakistan is our neighbour and a reality .... it is an independent nation) ....compliments to friends across the border  !! 
-- Let us agree to disagree on many things !!

"The establishment of Pakistan was a miracle & one of the biggest developments of the 20th century, which was made possible under the dynamic leadership of the Quaid-i-Azam & the sacrifices of Muslims. The odds were certainly heavy but the will to defeat them was stronger." - Shehbaz Sharif, Pakistan PM 

Snap: Dawn newspaper 


Today, High Commission for Pakistan, New Delhi celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the Independence of Pakistan with patriotic zeal and fervor.

Mr. Aftab Hasan Khan, Chargé d'Affaires, raised Pakistan's flag to the tune of the national anthem at an elegant flag-hoisting ceremony held at the Chancery's Lawns. Officers and staff of the High Commission, along with their families, were present on this auspicious occasion.

Special messages from the President and the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the 75th Anniversary of independence were read out to the audience. Subsequently, in his remarks , Mr. Aftab Hasan Khan, Chargé d'Affaires, congratulated Pakistani nationals on the auspicious occasion, and underscored that freedom is a great and invaluable blessing for any nation.

"Time has come for the nation to understand what true freedom means. It is a freedom from want, hunger & poverty. Without economic sovereignty, our freedom is incomplete. Our greatest strength is our people. It is about time we place their welfare at the center of public policy." - Pak PM Sharif   

Edit in 'Dawn'

-AS Pakistan completes three quarters of a century as a sovereign nation today, it will be worth the effort to see where we stand. True, reviewing, analysing and making sense of 75 years of tumult, adversity and a few triumphs is not easy, but some major issues warrant examination, in order to consider the way forward.

The fact that the country has survived this long — the disastrous separation of the former eastern wing in 1971 notwithstanding — is itself no mean achievement, as naysayers had, during the freedom struggle, predicted that Pakistan would fold within a short period. 

However, survival is one thing; creating a prosperous and egalitarian society another.

The founding fathers had envisioned a welfare state where Muslims of the subcontinent could freely practise their faith and advance materially and culturally, and where adherents of other faiths could also live their lives as equal citizens. 

What transpired over the decades has been diametrically opposed to this noble vision, and sadly, given its present state, our founding fathers would struggle to recognise the country they had created."

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Dec 6, 1992 Babri 'structure' was brought down ..... who said on Dec 5th 1992 -- "We will make BJP sing Bhajans" :::::::

 (old blog ... but a refresher as Jan 22 approaches fast ... On Jan 22, 2024 Ram Temple was launched and dedicated to God Ram)  Dec 6, 1992 ...