Sunday, April 24, 2022

UKraine war impact: Russia to make History compulsory subject from first grade

New Delhi 

Yet another round of bizarre things may happen under the sky.

The Russian Education ministry has decided that history will become a compulsory subject from the first grade. 

“We will never allow it [to be written] that we somehow treated other nations – our fraternal nations of Ukraine and Belarus – poorly,” said education minister Sergey Kravtsov.

He also announced a new initiative at the opening of an exhibition called 'Everyday Nazism'. 

“We will do everything in our power so that historical memory is preserved," he said.

Now that Russia's war against Ukraine continues in one geography or the other,Russia is reportedly planning to overhaul its education - taking it hand-in-hand with its war in Ukraine. 

Officials are writing curricula to justify the invasion, and have suggested schools will hold flag-raisings and sing the national anthem each morning from September. 

A major Russian textbook publisher is on the job using autochecking software to take note of all 'positive references' to Ukraine in its school books.

Andrei Turchak, head of the ruling United Russia party, told the students: “Victory will be ours. The enemy will be defeated, and peaceful life on this earth will finally come … we will liberate this territory and clean it from the fascist demons".

However, reports suggest there is also a new level of pressure on teachers, sometimes to organise pro-war photo-ops with children, or in other cases to hide their anti-war feeling from their students. 

“I know a lot of teachers who have hidden their online profiles, they are very careful speaking about politics in school,” says one article in 'The Guardian'


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