Monday, October 25, 2021

Good News :::: Naga peace talks on track, says NSCN (IM) ::::::: says - "tangible solution" will be worked out

#NSCN (IM) says ....talks are on track. ...and a "tangible solution" will be worked out based on the "principle of Framework Agreement". 

It says media 'misquoted and disinformed'  its statement creating confusions in the minds of the people !!

Close on the heels of its statement on Flag and Constitution, the NSCN (IM)) on Monday clarified that the peace parleys with the Government of India is very much on track.

This brings a relief to all stakeholders who are clamouring for peace and final solution to the long pending Naga political problem.

In a statement, the militant group's Talk Secretary, W Zimik said: "....some media houses have misquoted and disinformed creating confusions in the minds of the people".

The organisation, that entered into ceasefire and talks process way back in 1997, said - "Despite differences on certain issues, it is to put on record that the Govt of India and the NSCN are serious and committed to concretize the Indo-Naga political talks and arrive at a tangible solution based on the principle of the Framework Agreement". 

The fresh statement comes after two days the NSCN (IM) used strong words and even had said that the "talks failed" to live up  to all the hype as the Government of India continues to indulge "in political escapism on the  very issues that is holding up the road to the Naga solution".

The militant group also has said that - "the Government of India is still pretentiously acting stubborn as the crucial rounds of talks that focused on the Naga flag and the Constitution is driven to hang in balance. The stalemate created is unfortunate".

Needless to say, it has been reported widely and in no unambiguous term that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is firm about an early solution to the vexed issue pending since decades, but would no in position can give up a separate flag and Constitution to the Nagas. 

Former Mizoram Governor Swaraj Kaushal, who was the first peace interlocutor in Naga talks in 1998, in October 2020 urged Naga rebel leader Thuingaleng Muivah to be 'realistic' and said the latter should not press for demands such as Flag and a separate Naga Constitution. 

"Brother, you have maturity and understanding. Please be realistic and not press for such demands. Please live and prosper in a democracy. Everything in this country (India) belongs to the people," Kaushal wrote in a series of tweets. 

"The symbols of sovereignty namely, separate constitution, flag, currency, defence and foreign affairs are sacrosanct and never negotiable," he says and also pointed out that such media interviews at the fag end of over two-decades old peace parleys
would serve little purpose. 

RS Pandey on right of Rajnath: 

(RS Pandey, former Nagaland Chief Secretary was negotiator for Naga peace parleys under Manmohan Singh; but joined BJP all of a sudden before 2014 polls) 

"I have seen my brother T. Muivah’s interview to a digital media. Was this interview necessary ? I think ‘No’. 

Will this interview help you or your organisation ? I think ‘No’," said Kaushal emphatically in response to NSCN (IM) general
secretary's media interview to a 'controversial' website wherein he insists on the twin demands of a separate Flag and Constitution for Nagas. 

The Naga rebel group NSCN (IM) is in parleys with the Government of India since 1997 and the parleys have progressed under all governments headed by different Prime Ministers - I K Gujral, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh and Narendra Modi.

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