Sunday, August 30, 2020

TR Zeliang-led NPF approaches NSCN(IM), seeks 'reconciliation'

Signaling a major development in fast-paced Naga peace talks matters, the opposition Naga People's Front (NPF) in Nagaland has given a new role to itself and is trying to broker 'peace' so that the talks that began in 1997 do not go derailed at the last stage.

"In its endeavor to facilitate in bringing about a final solution to the protracted Naga political issue, the Political Affairs Mission of the Naga Peoples’ Front organized a Consultative Meeting with the NSCN/GPRN today at Rhododendron Hall, NAPTC Chumukedima. The NPF delegation was led by  TR Zeliang, Opposition Leader and Chairman of the Political Affairs Mission of NPF while the NSCN/GPRN delegation was led by  Q. Tuccu, Chairman, NSCN/GPRN." - NPF said. 

TR Zeliang and Modi
Qhehezu Tuccu was unanimously elected chairman of NSCN(IM) in February 19. The post of chairman in the potent Naga militant group was lying for almost three years after the death of Isak Chishi Swu on June 28, 2016. 

The NPF said - "While urging upon the NSCN/GPRN delegation to be more accommodative with other Naga Political Groups, the NPF delegation assured that the NPF Party would continue to play the role of an active facilitator in the ongoing political dialogue for final accord of the Naga issue". 

Dissociating itself from NDPP-BJP alliance government in the government NPF has walked out of the Joint Legislators Forum recently and also set up a special panel headed by T R Zeliang, former Chief Minister to work on the same.

It said:
"Reconciliation in real sense of the term is a necessity and as such, the NPF delegation called upon the NSCN/GPRN delegation to revisit the Covenant of Reconciliation signed on June 13, 2009 and to proceed with the ongoing peace process in the true spirit of reconciliation.

Congratulating the newly formed Political Affairs Mission, the NSCN/GPRN delegation on its part expressed hope that it was confident of scaling greater heights with the support of the Naga people and the Political Affairs Mission of the NPF Party in particular."

The meeting started with an Invocation prayer led by Rev. Robert Kikon while it concluded with a Mass prayer led by Pastor Honikhu Shohe. 

"The Meeting was fruitful and ended on a cheerful note," the NPF claimed.

NNPG finds holes in 2015 FrameWork Agreement 

In a significant statement in the run up to the expected signing of a final peace accord to resolve Naga insurgency, the umbrella organisation of seven militant groups operating within the state of Nagaland, the NNPG has sought to make light of the phrase 'Shared Sovereignty'.

"On the issue of shared sovereignty narrative, that India is a federal state with each state sharing sovereign powers in the form of central list, state list and concurrent list is amply clear. The states are given space to exercise sovereign powers sourced from the constitution," the NNPG Working Committee said in a statement.
"In a nutshell this is shared sovereignty," it asserted.

It also says "the main objective of NSCN (IM) political solution is one that looks to create a socialist pattern, holding on to the name of Christ, and remove the idea of private ownership and tribal jurisdictions of Naga tribes".

NSCN (IM) has lately targeted Nagaland Governor and interlocutor R N Ravi.

The NNPG statement also says - "in the name of inclusive progress";  there is perhaps a move to seek "permission" from the Government of India "to make Intangki National Reserve Forest and surrounding areas of Hebron camp as their resettlement and rehabilitation area as part of the Indo-Naga political solution". 

"The only National Reserve Forest that Naga people have as a common property is the Intangki National Reserve forest. Neither Indian parliament nor the constitution can infringe on the land of the Nagas, particularly in Nagaland", it said. 

"Whether constitutionally, historically, legally or otherwise, Intangki Reserve forest is a sacred national property of the tribes of Nagaland. GOI is informed that the WC, NNPGs, along with fourteen tribes of Nagaland, NGBF, NTC, ENPO, CNTC and other Naga civil societies, reaffirm that integration of all Naga inhabited areas is a legitimate political and historical right and while the Naga people engage in democratic political process towards this objective and till such time, any agreement that disturb the status quo of pre-Hebron camp establishment at Intangki reserve Forest, and any consideration of any part of  the reserve forest as a bargaining chip for rehabilitation shall not be acceptable at any cost".

In recent weeks strong differences have surfaced between NSCN(IM) and NNPG with the former sticking to its demand for a separate Flag and Constitution and that could even stall and derail the 23-year-old peace process, the NNPG is keen to sign a pact to bring lasting peace.

N Kitovi Zhimomi, the convener of NNPG, in a recent statement said - “The general notion that is infused into the Naga Society is that ‘If the talks fail, we go back to jungles’. This is easier said. The resultant of this move would be disastrous to our Naga brothers and their families”.

Albeit the fresh statement elaborating on various facets of history of Naga movement becomes significance as the Narendra Modi government has virtually set a deadline to workout a peace deal by September and also ink it.

The NNPG statement has taken exception that the "opening line" of the Framework Agreement signed between negotiator R N Ravi and NSCN(IM) states that the Naga issue or the 'political conflict' is only about six decades old.

"The pertinent question is, will the Naga people, those living in Indian states and in Myanmar, accept a political document that reduces the Naga struggle to just six decades? Can any Naga worth his salt agree to logic that political conflict started only in the mid 1950s?"

"Which leader or group has the audacity to sign on a document that states Political conflict started around 1955-56? On this issue, NSCN (IM) leadership must seek a review with GoI on the text of Framework Agreement". 

The NNPG further said - "We hope the GoI will accept the fact that six decades is just a fraction of Indo-Naga political conflict and necessary correction be initiated on FA. A people’s political journey cannot be dismissed in such an abject manner. It clearly reflects lack of Naga people’s consultation and participation prior to signing of FA. After five years and much secrecy, it appeared in public domain only recently showing excluding greater part of Naga history and struggle".

It said - "Although the Framework Agreement has erased the golden years of Naga struggle, the Naga people must retrieve every page and chapter and GoI, as per Agreed Position between GoI and WC,NNPGs, must restore Naga identity by correcting Naga chronology of political conflict."

Blogger with Advani/ Dimapur Airport 2001

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