Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Nagaland, My Modi : Interesting, very interesting similarities!!

I have a significant statement to make. If my father had his reasons to declare that I think like a Naga, it’s my audacity to suggest that Narendra Modi often conducts himself as a Naga...I have my arguments....

Now how does a Naga think....actually he does not think least so feels my father and that probably prompted him to give me such a description.
Now how does a Naga conduct...and that I find it similar to the manner Narendra Modi conducts!

More often Nagas “feel” and then act and thus my risk-taking statement is here to draw a parallelism between Naga way conducting and Modi’s.

It’s altogether a different chapter and perhaps also ironical that a headhunting community is “so emotional” that they base most of their actions to emotion called FEELING. 
So does Modi; at least some actions of his past as well as present suggest !!
YES YOU HAVE GUESSED IT THERE IS THAT ‘DABANG’ WAY OF CONDUCTING THAT HAS A COMMON FEATURE TO NAGAS AND NARENDRA MODI. Look at the manner he inducted Suresh Prabhu into BJP first and then into his cabinet.
In short, as my good friend Arun Kumar Shah suggests,  Nagas are the most humble and most furious at the same time depending on the situation. Many people say almost similar thing about Narendra Modi.

Interesting?? Or a boring argument?? The choice is yours.
Mind you when I am trying to draw such a comparison, I am not bordering my thought process – on the question of right or wrong.
So coming to the basics --- yes, Nagas too have been ‘wrong’ at times and committed mistakes and so did Narendra Damodardas Modi.
But they have been ‘right’ also and have played their cards well. In retrospect, rest all is history.
A quick check list at similarities and dissimilarities:
- The history of Nagas actually represents the larger history of insurgency in northeast ## The history of Narendra Modi represents the history of Gujarat from 2002 and gradually turning out to be the future-history of BJP especially since 2013.
-  Notwithstanding tough situations they have crossed, the Nagas also have a tendency to believe that they are destined to ‘succeed’. Here too a similar situation can be suggested about Modi who despite 2002 and international press hounding stuck to his guns and has today changed the game in his favour. 
Losing is one way of learning how to win, and who can tell us better on this other than Narendra Modi….so would be the story of Nagas.

I am not saying ‘Naga-succeeds’ phrase would apply to Naga independence alone. It’s on development too. Individual Nagas have achieved so much since independence that senior political leaders believe that the kind of development Nagaland has seen, the feats achieved by many Nagas could not be imagined by their forefathers.
In terms of ‘Dabang’ style of functioning, Modi has given a glimpse of his state of mind when recently he allowed freehand to NSA Ajit Doval and his chosen IPS friend, R N Ravi to go ahead with Naga peace talks. The NSCN (IM) leadership had reservation about Ravi for the latter’s controversial articles against NSCN (IM) in the past. But once the message has been passed that Prime Minister has made up his mind to retain the negotiator R N Ravi, the tough diplomatic mantle in Thuingaleng Muivah also saw reason and has agreed to go along with the talks.
"U always think like a Naga": My dad and my daughter

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