Friday, June 24, 2016

The Great Wall of China ::: Déjà vu – Lovely Ironies; Of Strangers and Friends – Indi-Chini Bye-Bye

It could have been an hour of momentary set back in any other country. But India is a democracy and crab-syndrome is a typical national habit.

It is one of the lovely ironies of modern times and democracy in India that “Narendra Modi bashing gang” can easily wax lyrical about both their love for India and Indian pluralism in domestic affairs and at the same time miss no time to enjoy China browbeating New Delhi in NSG game! China stonewalling India’s forward movement for entry into Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) gave them first major diplomatic handle to take on Modi. “Patriot” Kejriwal, himself a master of U-turns and self-virtuous failed administrator, lost no time and asked almost in hurry: “For its defeat on the NSG issue, shouldn't the PMO be questioned?" 

Does India need any strong opponent outside India?

Anand Sharma was fielded by the Congress party – little realizing that New Delhi’s bid to enter the elite NSG club started in 2008 when Sharma’s Congress party was in power.
But opportunity to attack Modi government cannot be missed.
"Diplomacy is always done by wisdom and silence. We have never seen diplomacy being conducted in this manner, making it very clear who are you lobbying with and whom you are petitioning with," said wiseman Anand Sharma, whose wisdom is decided by his loyalty to the 'wisest Indian' called pappu- na- Rahul.

Other wise men of Congress would be screaming out in next 24 hours or so. The likes of Jairam Ramesh, whose efficiency in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh has already fetched Congress a round “zero” electorally. But this is not the big story.
The big picture lies with Indian intellectuals, columnists and TV anchors who predicted in 2002 that Modi – the “villain” of post-Godhra – is history!
Today, it’s their time again to say – look, we told you…he is a Chae-wallah; he cannot succeed.
But on this backdrop comes a few other issues. Should we revisit Satyajit Ray’s “Ganashatru” or the original play "An Enemy of the People" by Henrik Ibsen?
Blogger's moral inspiration

Scholars and drama critics over the centuries have essentially stressed that An Enemy of the People has two key messages. First, the play written way back in 1882 was a criticism of democracy itself. And secondly, of course it is story of one man's bravery and self-respect! And that these can survive overwhelming odds. Ibsen's critique of democracy is twofold. He shows the tyranny of the majority.
In our case it’s the tyranny of “intellectually correctness”. Modi-bashing is a virtue it sells in parties, press clubs and newsrooms! But Ibsen has highlighted beautifully how the majority plays “tyrant” after being afraid to do what is right because there is a risk as people may not endorse the right step. In the original play Hovstad wanted to print the doctor Stockmann’s report on the baths and the municipal spa, he was afraid to do so because his subscribers would be upset. In Ganashatru also this element is portrayed well.
The majority is afraid of risk and, according to the doctor in the play and the sickular gang in India, it need not be intelligent enough to do what is right. The right is pampering the ego of a dynasty and a system fed by corruption and nepotism.
Now, let’s get back to Moditva and the real polity around. 

The Modi bashing club and a pretty large one have got a China-send handle to take on their villain of all games since 2002. Some NGOs will also get suddenly active and join the bandwagon. In earlier blogs, I have spoken about Greek philosopher Plato and his thesis about the cycle of Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny. I tried to highlight that ‘Distorted Democracy’ is also mobocracy and we need to gaze in our own hearts on which stage are we in. And more importantly, how long and what course we may take next. Our country has been reduced to a country of quotas, perks and special beneficiaries. As if merits have no place.
Whether the slogan ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ is being misconstrued deliberately?
A debate was let loose that the Modi government wants to do away with reservation for SC-STs and OBCs. It also aimed to derail the government from working on development agenda and a government of all. Those select groups who have exploited Muslims, OBCs and SC-STs over the years – in the pretext and lip service of their cause – are disturbed today because the Modi government is  trying to bring in qualitative changes in the common people’s life. Then these ‘select few’ would have their self-seeking shops closed!
Ram Vilas Paswan, a Dalit by himself, says if the size of the cake – that is the development is enhanced – social conflicts will be less.     
Is the focus wrong?

Coming back to NSG, we ought to admit that Seoul would seek to put a brake and undo the good works done so far especially in the context of  Washington’s nod to PM Narendra Modi and his vision for a robust Indo-US ties. 
The other say, I attended a discussion on India-Singapore relationship and former foreign secretary Shyam Saran did articulate certain issues quite eloquently.
"The balance of power is vital for this region... Traditionally China has been at the top, but today if it continues to maintain the unilateral assertion of power then there are problems," Saran said during a discussion on a new book "Looking Ahead: India and Singapore in the new millennium - Celebrating Years of Diplomatic Relations".

There is a sense of déjà vu in enhanced interactions being undertaken between the Hindu chauvinist BJP and China’s political outfit, Communist Party of China (CPC). Will the mechanism work?

Many Indians, political parties and the governments have, for several decades, been obsessed about China. The 1962 episode leaves a scar mark.
Thus in order to improve relations between two countries, certainly the first thing to handle is the crucial element of mistrust. This mistrust is mutual.

The latest Chinese games in Seoul only proves that. 

The Modi government in the ultimate may do well to realise that the real foreign policy challenge (to India) comes not from Pakistan but from China. 
India and China have been uneasy neighbours for longer years than India and Pakistan. 
China unlike Pakistan is a big and successful country and it needs
much deeper engagement.

This is the also the time Narendra Modi should stick to his characteristic 'fight back' zeal as he did all along since 2002.

Time to say, Jai Hind.


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