Thursday, May 5, 2011

Post Laden: Indian focus should turn on Balochistan

Much is being said and written about Osama bin Laden's killing in Pakistan; and predictably so.
But India needs to augment its security apparatus as well intelligence network -- for smooth flow of actuonable inputs. Meanwhile, even as the leading western countries including the US are pointing fingers at Pakistan’s alleged complicity in Osama
bin Laden case, from the perspective of Indian security agencies, one feels the time is ripe to
strike at the roots of ‘Islamic terror’, that is Pakistan and more partivularly some of its pockets.
The United States has only to blame itself as over the decdaes, it pumped in huge funds and weapons defying constant Indian warning about the "hapenings" in that country. Even the dastardly act like 26/11 did not help US realize the folly of their policy towards Pakistan.
Now, for Indian government, the focus should turn towards Balochistan and North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan.
“Al-Qaeda and Taliban had been cultivating local support system in key pockets like North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Balochistan in
Pakistan. These areas will now offer new challenges from Indian perspective,” informed sources say.
In more ways than one, it is a momentous time in history of intelligence operations which
offers opportunities as well as new challenges to revamp security apparatus and curb Islamic terror from the region.
It is understood that for sometime Taliban and Al-Qaeda had realized that they would be gradually marginalized and hence over the past months they have cultivated “local support” with their Jehadi
In fact, they say, since 2007-08 itself, Indian agencies had reports about hyper-active movements of Taliban in and around NWFP. And areas around Peshwar and Mardan were alomost turned into a “hotbed” of militant activities.
Moreover, groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba or group headed by Jalaluddin Haqqani were imparting training to neo-Jehadis both from South Asia
and the west.
Indian agencies maintain that the deceased terror head Laden was seen as a “hater of West and thus a great catalyst for a cultural and religious war” for the Jehadis.
It is this factor and the inherent resilience strength that made the Bin Laden forces to stay back in Af-Pak despite heavy assault from
US-led forces.
Moreover, from Jehadi perception, Afghanistan is also identified with Khurasan - a land, hardliner Muslims believe, where Islamic armies
will finally regroup and fight out the “enemies”.
“This calls for heightened security alert both for US, its allies and
also India,” sources say adding, radical groups in Asia, Africa and
Europe under the influence of Jehadi theory believe that they have a
holy war against "western powers and non-believers like
Hindu-dominated India".

The successful manipulation of international events by the likes of
terror ideologues Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Ramzi
Yousef, sources have only ignited common zeal across nations and also
hastened the unification of Islamic terror radicals.
The US will do well to understand and appreciate India's concern on the issue of cross border terrorism. While Osama has been eliminated, the world community will do well to understand that Pakistan also harbours terrorists and underworld operatives like Dawood Ibrahim.
And Dr Manmohan Singh's government will do well to get little aggressive and assertive --- they have played enough of Muslim vote bank card; but terorism is a ore serious affair than the crown prince Rahul and his virtuous team led by Digvijay Singh, discredited in Madhya Pradesh, seem to understand.

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